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Still a work in progress, but I feel it's in a presentable state right now.

So, this is Kybelis. The setting of a lot of my OCs and stories. Super-Earth planet, four times as big as RL Earth, but same mass and therefore gravity? How? It's a hollow planet (more on that to come).

Its geography seems to rhyme with Earth's in a way, as does its culture, although it has lagged behind it for the industrial revolution, and as a consequence it still remains a relatively untamed world.

It's a world of anthros of all kinds, but more than species-diverse, this world is size-diverse. The reasons for that are manifold (and more on that later too), but one thing you can be sure of - seven feet in height is hardly bizzarre in most places. Ten feet is more common than they could ever hope to be IRL. And twenty feet of height... is not impossible. Enough said. And the same stark differences apply to other body measures as well...



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