The New City (World Guide, Location) (Patreon)
The eastward view from one of the outdoor public roof-spaces of a Southwestie 'megablock', toward Government Center and Southeastie beyond.
The large building in the center is one of two identical side-by-side Government Center structures. The Western Annex houses the government of Maria IV itself. The Eastern Annex houses the government of the Marian Drift Prefecture.
The four main districts of the new city consist of grids of so-called megablocks. These are massive structures roughly three typical city blocks to a side, which rise up above the main roads roughly 20 stories high. These lower structures contain parking, warehouses, power generators, wastewater treatment, and some businesses. Atop these are public gardens and more lofty structures where most city life takes place. Many of these structures have garden levels, and further gardens atop their roofs, making the dense city far greener in appearance than one might expect.
As a point of reference, Gelitech would be almost directly south (to the right) of this location, across the Mashiva River and past most of the massive spaceport that lies directly opposite Government Center.