Woodland Encounter (Animation) (Patreon)
My first animation with Knife's wonderful OC, Trishka! I have to say, it was a pleasure animating her model, if you catch my drift...
Plot's pretty simple. She has a little encounter with Cyno whilst traversing the woods. He thinks he has the upper hand, but he's right where Trishka wants him. He quickly learns that in this relationship, he's the bottom...
LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1naIhxzJ1UhpvygYBjSsfSOLmmSG7ppNK/view?usp=sharing
Note: I may update this link periodically.
Hope y'all like this one! The flirty stuff was fun to mess around with, I need to do more of that for sure... CB animation coming next!
Trishka model owned by me and @Knife_and_Kai
Cyno model by Hoyoverse/MifsFantasy
Stage by amiamy111