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The outright drama basically started at the end of the last episode, and here we keep it going, trying to stay one step ahead of Ishido, the council, and the Catholic church. A pretty tall order, I'd say. Not gonna lie, I get confused by what's going on sometimes, this show does not spoon feed you.




Basically, Anjin was to be captured and left behind. Because he does not follow the honor code of the Japanese he said fuck that! and left anyway. He used the black ship as cover staying behind it to clear the barricade and then tried to pass it so the black ship would not crush it against the rocks stranding/killing all of them. the black ship pilot dude was ordered to push Anjin ship against the ship crushing his ship. Black ship pilot uses the excuse of that will damage our hull and the debt he owed the Anjin for saving his life in episode one to let up just enough to let him through and overtake the blackship into open water.


the end is showing you bonding and tactics. You essentially see three times Tortunaga using cunning/deviousness/tactics to get the better of your enemies/opponents. You are seeing just how crafty that dude can be. 1st the switcharoo to escape Osaka, 2nd his taking advantage of a negative bargaining positing "you must leave the Anjin Behind" which he does literally cause the loophole was just leave behind, knowing Anjin would not go down without a fight. 3rd him making him "show him" how to dive like a dozen times to tire him out so he has a better chance to win a race.