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Well it's all out in the open now! I'm always a little lost in the details for this show but I actually enjoy that, it makes it more interesting when I'm not sure what people's motivations are and what their responses will be. I'm sure that comes in part from the culture differences, but either way I'm loving this!




Turncoat was basically in a hard place, requested to go back to Edo to declare his loyalty and be killed. either way he was going to be forced to die and taken off the board. Hence why Torunaga left to do other things to force turncoat to be highest lord to receive the messenger and forced to leave since he cannot contact Torunaga. The nephew wants to be lord of that land and prove to his uncle he is useful so goads Toronaga's son to be stupid(he has no battle experience and craves his dad's approval). So son goes apeshit and kill's messenger's party declaring aggression keeping the turncoat from having to now travel to Edo to declare loyalty and be killed. The whole romance thing is her not wanting to admit publicly that they had relations is how I read that situation.

Rhetorical Thrill

Don't know what I'd do without you to break this down for me 🤣 I knew Toranaga had something up his sleeve, so that makes a lot of sense that he basically planned to remove the shady guy from the equation. Of course, there's no way to know what's going to happen now since shady guy is now stuck with Toranaga after the massacre. So it was Mariko who slept with Blackthorne and she made that up to protect herself? I felt so dumb not being sure 😂