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Culture shock has been a big theme in this show but this is the one where it really rears its head and the consequences are way beyond what Blackthorne (and I suppose we) expect. It's also what makes the characters' actions and thoughts so hard to read, which definitely keeps you guessing!




It's always a perspective thing, if someone viewed our culture they would find it insane/weird compared to their values. I always read it as they value service and a reserved demeanor above all else. I kinda viewed the planting a spy scene as the Gardner knew the culture and how to be of service so why would he break it? I assumed that the real spy went to him knowing he was dying and used the excuse of it to "defy him" was killed and them used as a scape goat, but it works either way. The husband is a dick but i view it as he has had severe ptsd for a long time and does not deal with it well, dude seems to have been in a lot of battles but is still a skilled warrior as you see he buts two arrows accurately into that post while basically blacked out drunk.

Rhetorical Thrill

I agree to a point, yes, there are cultural factors in play that color every choice these characters make, especially at this point in history where people were more isolated from others. I will say that I believe some things are just objectively wrong, like killing babies because their father spoke out of turn. I think it's that push and pull that makes a show like this so interesting - culture explains some things but can't excuse others, and I suppose we're meant to work out which is which.