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A little break from the main action, with the focus on more of the subtleties of this world, particularly those of the women and what they quietly go through while all the big stuff is happening. Might be my favorite episode so far, actually.




A lot of it is dual or tripple layered. Toronaga said to Mariko was " I do not need this in my clan right now". Basically saying I don't need your personal drama with my Army in tatters after an earthquake and limited options. So she is sent to get a consort to one listen to hear what rumors there are about her, Blackthorne, etc and to dispell an rumors that she and Anjin were a thing and potentially piss off the son that is with the consort but wants her as more than that. I think its more that than revenge, its that the consort queen knows how dangerous Toronaga is and her position would be more precarious if she backed him versus Ishido who is more manageable but not as good at the political game.