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We have a truly amazing little fandom here, and one of our own has volunteered to host a Secret Santa through the Discord Server! 

Price Range: $20-$25
Means: Amazon Wishlist

All you need to do is:
~Join the DISCORD SERVER and go to the #secret-santa2018 channel.
~Post there that you are willing to participate along with your Amazon Wishlist no later than 12/9/18.
~Gifts should be bought/sent no later then 12/13/18.

We know this is short notice, but we're hoping to really make a connection with one another and make friends. I'm so proud to have such sweet people here! Please remember, I am not in control of the Secret Santa. It's being worked through Nightzilla333 on Discord!


Jennifer Jones

So, actually, Queen-of-all-Nerds on Discord is running it! She was working when I made the post!