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What a fun videoooooo!!!!! Finished off the amazing TikTok compilation which was just me having a mini concert in my room and then proceeded to be amazing by how INSANE BBT choreo is. Like they really are sooooo good. I would love to know their process behind choreographing. I want someone to interview them!




So happy that you enjoyed the bbt choreos!! Like you said, it's so fun to see where the choreo originated from and where ateez may have added their own style to it later on. Silver light is one of my favorite ateez choreos and I think I'm responsible for a good bit of the views on that bbt video lol its just so good!! And yes that was charlie! As for the longer hair guy with the good facial expressions, he was the one you liked in bouncy too! Not sure if he's the twin you're talking about but here's his instagram if you'd like to do some research: https://www.instagram.com/gerhmang_/?hl=en Quick edit since I did some research post leaving my comment lol: I believe the one you liked who was doing Seonghwa's parts is this guy: https://www.instagram.com/bbt_hojun/?hl=en


Yesss! If there’s one thing I watch just as much as Ateez dancing to their own songs, it’s BBT dancing their own choreo.