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Let's start structuring the fur. We'll see the base layers of the whole miniature and I'll explain how you have to start to paint the fur by just dividing it into two colors.


02. Road to Crystal brush - Vol II

This Videotutorial and Painting Guide: 👉❤️ PATREON www.patreon.com/sergiocalvominiatures 👉 ✨ WEB www.sergiocalvominiatures.com 👉 🎨 ETSY https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/SergioCalvoMinis ------------------------- Come on, cheer up, give us a hand to keep building our community, click on the link and subscribe 🥰 And don't forget to share the video so more people can enjoy this wonderful hobby! 👉https://www.youtube.com/c/SergioCalvoMiniatures?sub_confirmation=1👈 ------------------------- ⭐More videos⭐ 🏆 Rocco - https://youtu.be/xYN-_gMQL0s 🏆 Avatar - https://youtu.be/fKSSGi0R_0s 🏆 Madax - https://youtu.be/Ye618KkewUw 🏆 Typhus - https://youtu.be/fjacbBOyPKY 🏆 Mephiston - https://youtu.be/qlYGKRWeSSE 🏆 Vimir - https://youtu.be/jKsfNWjZ_1k 🏆Icxtaka - https://youtu.be/L4xVlIuwO44 ------------------------- 🤩 Channel focused on Painting warhammer miniatures, Warhammer 40k, roleplaying miniatures like d&d, Dungeons and Dragons, Age of sigmar, and in the future Super heroes and sci-fi figures like Marvel or Star wars. Not forgetting Space Marines and of course Space Wolves, 75mm miniatures where I create my magic and not forgetting miniature busts! How to paint NMM, OSL, Leathers, skins, terrain, crystal effects and much more. How to paint warhammer in an easy and fast way with my techniques and knowledge, and why not, having fun. Welcome to the capibases. 🤩 ------------------------- Keep in touch! ✨ WEB www.sergiocalvominiatures.com 🖌️ YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/sergiocalvominiatures ❤️ PATREON www.patreon.com/sergiocalvominiatures ⭐ TWITTER https://twitter.com/Sergiocstudio 🏆 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/sergiocalvominiatures 🍪 https://www.twitch.tv/sergiocalvominiatures ------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for any miniatures painted with Dry brushing and washes 😜


Jazion Keera

The part I have been waiting for! Going to watch this while working.

Carl Tees

Sergio, did you approach painting the sabre tooth cat in a similar way to the sabre tooth cats you painted for black sun miniatures? Thanks, and great video again.

Adriano Paoletti

hello Sergio thank you for the video, i have a question. When you paint the base you say that we have to use a lot of colours, but where i have to applay the different colors? random?

Thom Weston

Hi Sergio, thank you for showing you approach to the base. I know understand a little how you create the natural looking elements and colour the static grass and lichens. I was curious after the first video how to achieve that. I can't wait to see the rest of the process.

Some dude who paints

This is crazy impressive to me that you did all this on camera. The piece is stunning to begin with, but painting it on camera it just next level. Its difficult to paint on camera, it changes how you position yourself and such. Major kudus and I can't wait for part 3!

Carl Tees

What is the name of this character?

Sergio Calvo Miniatures

Yes, I made them in a similar way but not the same. You can use the Tsukigoro videos to see how I create the grated effect of the fur.

Sergio Calvo Miniatures

No, depending on the color palette you want to use you can deepen the shadows with a darker color (adding a darker purple for example) and the lights with similar colors to white (flesh or other similar colors that are not directly white).

Sergio Calvo Miniatures

It is a very long process and a very complex project. I have tried all the details of how I made this piece and throughout the tutorials you will do well. We will work in depth the fur, the base... until we get the final result ;)

Sergio Calvo Miniatures

Yes, it's completely different to paint with the camera. I'm more careful not to get off the screen and I have to move a lot less but I think it was a project worth shooting so you can enjoy it. ^^

Some dude who paints

Absolutely worth it for us. I can't wait to what it all. Even the 1st part on basing has really changed how I think about approaching that.

Florencio Ontalba Juárez

Pues decir que lo del aero me ha vuelto loco.......vamos a tener que meternos a fondo con él....que tengo un par de ideas en la cabeza y creo que la cosa irá mejor y más rápido con él.

Cat Herder

Hi Sergio, would you mind putting the CrystalBrush and VideoTutorial tags on this video? It was a bit challenging to find.

Konrad Popławski

Sergio where to find such a nice plinth?