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Hi everyone, 

Here's a map that is basically a remastered version of one of my very first maps (map #23 to be precise). 

Someone requested a map of an outpost or habitat built on the branches of a giant tree - like the ones on Kashyyyk in Star Wars. That reminded me of the old map and we decided to make a new version of it. 

In general, I've been thinking if we should do more "remastered" versions of my old black & white maps. If you have one in mind, drop it in the comments and we'll be happy to make more of these remastering projects :) 


- Miska

This map features a small outpost with walkways and platforms built inside the trunk and on the branches of a giant tree. There is a small landing pad for speeders and other small flyers and a turbo-blaster turret for defending the outpost from the most likely approach vector. 


This map has 5 variants, all with gridded and gridless versions.

  • Propped
  • Clear
  • Night
  • Rain
  • Unpropped

Resolution and Scale

  • Resolution: 140 pixels per square
  • Grid dimensions: 44x32
  • Recommended Scale: 5 ft. or 1.5 m/yd per square
  • File types: JPG, WEBP, PDF

Tools & Assets

  • This map was made in Inkarnate with the Early Access Sci-Fi Style.
  • Made by human artists. AI was not used in the creation process of this map.

As a Miska's Sci-Fi Maps patron, you get extra variants for the map and other perks, depending on your tier.

Download your patron rewards from the links below:

Basic JPG Map Pack [Smuggler+]

[Click to Download]

  • JPG @ 140 ppi
  • One variant version
  • Gridded and gridless

Premium JPG Map Pack [Roughneck+]

[Click to Download]

  • JPG @ 140 ppi
  • All variants
  • Unpropped version
  • Gridded and gridless

WEBP Pack [Forgemaster+]

[Click to Download]

  • WEBP @ 140 ppi
  • Compact image file format
  • Gridless

PDF Pack [Forgemaster+]

[Click to Download]

  • Print-ready with 1" squares when printed at 100% scale
  • Gridded

Foundry VTT Module [Forgemaster+]

  • Foundry VTT scenes will be included in a module with a separate release.
  • Get Foundry VTT modules here

General Notes and Instructions

  • If you get an error message (e.g., "error 403"), please ensure that you are logged in to your Patreon account and subscribed to the tier you are trying to download.
  • Links point to separate zip files with different versions, variants, or file formats of the map.




Love the remaster!!!! You have a lot of useful stuff you created a long time ago, keep it coming!