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Greetings, Order of Shieldice! How is everyone? I hope you all had a nice Easter break, and managed to get some world-building done. ✏️ 🎲  

Today's Post: I thought I'd pop one of Shieldice Studio's older files on here for you all to experiment with. Some of you may have this already if you backed the first Kickstarter.

SANCTUARY: Roll on the tables to generate unique attributes for party bases, or use the pre-made base maps which come with a timeline of lore. You can also add 'Ungar's Upgradeable Outpost' to your current setting: Find resources in order to slowly build a defensible base.


There are some exciting tools dropping very soon! I've been hard at work on some projects I'm very excited about sharing with you all. I'll also be posting a preview of our next Kickstarter in the coming days for those of you at the 'Shield Bearer' tier. It's something quite different to what Shieldice Studio has become known for, so I am equally nervous and excited! 😬 😃 

Thank you all so much for your continued support! 🧙‍♂️ 


DISCORD LINK:https://discord.gg/Q5TyJK6Zq4



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