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Issue 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/delivery-girl-1-103366659


Part 11

"You're not sorry at all, slut!" Hiroshi said sternly, pulling Rinako's hair with one hand, and with his other hand grabbing his cock, slapping Rinako's face with it. "You're just a dirty whore who loves s****g her daddy's cock! Isn't it so, slut?!" Hiroshi slapped Rinako's face with his dick again.

"Uhhh... damn... Yes daddy, yes!" Rinako's eyes were filled with lust and excitement as she licked her lips and felt the taste of Hiroshi's cock. "Slap me with your dick harder daddy!" she opened her mouth, waiting for his dick to slap her again, but Hiroshi suddenly turned her around, making her lie face down on the mattress.

"Wha-what the fu... What are you doing?!" exclaimed Rinako, looking back at Hiroshi, who grabbed her hips and lifted her ass up, making her get on her knees. "Hey! I told you to slap me with your dick, not-" she stopped abruptly, suddenly realized what she was saying and what she already did with Hiroshi. "What the fuck I'm saying?! I'm not a submissive bitch! I'm a dominant dude, dammit! I'm Dylan fucking Brown, son of billionaire Alexander Brown! I'm Dy-" her thoughts were cut short when Hiroshi inserted his hard cock into her wet and puffy pussy, making her squeal.

"Ugh! Ahhhh... Fuck! Du-du-du-u-de!" her voice was shaking from the strong thrusts of Hiroshi, who was moving his cock faster and faster, banging Rinako harder and harder. Her left hand moved behind her back, trying to push Hiroshi away, while her right hand was supporting her body, preventing her from collapsing face down on the mattress, althought in this pose her tits were bouncing wildly. "Du-du-du-u-de! S-s-top! Fuck! Stop! Ugh! A-a-a-ah!"

"Shut up, Rina! I mean shut up bitch! I'm almost done!" At this moment Hiroshi grabbed her hand which she was trying to push him away, and pulled it behind her back. Now she could support herself only with one hand, which was shaking from Hiroshi's powerful thrusts. "He-e-ey! Fu-u-uck! Sto-op! Ugh! Da-a-dd-y! A-a-ahhhh!" moaned Rinako loudly, again widely opening her mouth with saliva, and smiled widely and happily.

She moans "I'm su-u-ch a ba-ah-ad bi-i-itch!" while Hiroshi was moving his cock faster and harder. "Su-uch a ba-ah-ad bi-i-itch! So-o-rryyy daddyyy!" moaned Rinako, feeling o***sm approaching. Hiroshi suddenly pulled his cock out and turned Rinako over, grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders, and then again inserted his cock into her puffy wet vagina. "Ugh! Yeah, do whatever you want with me, I'm your whore daddy!" said Rinako, wrapping her legs around Hiroshi's neck and grabbing his forearms with her hands, looking into his eyes.

After a few powerful thrusts, they both moaned loudly and simultaneously or***ed. Hiroshi pulled his cock out of Rinako's vagina and aimed it at her face, covering it with sperm, while Rinako was grabbing her tits and squeezing them harder, feeling how her vagina is pulsing and vaginal liquid is leaking.

Part 12

Warm water jets were hitting Rinako's naked body, flowing down her huge boobs and her flat stomach. Rinako was standing with her eyes closed, feeling drops of water on her face, while her hands were resting against the tiled wall, supporting her body. Her long hair, which had become wet, was clinging to her body, reaching down to her wide hips. Rinako's mind was empty, she was trying not to think about what happened a couple of minutes ago, but the memories and feelings kept popping into her mind, forcing her to shudder slightly.

Rinako didn't understand what was happening to her and why she was behaving this way. "Fuck..." she whispered, opening her eyes and staring at the tiled wall, while her hair was still clinging to her body and water jets were hitting her body. She slowly raised her hand and take a strand of hair that was sticking to her cheek and put it behind her ear, sighing deeply. "Why the fuck I'm a girl? Why the hell my dad is not billionaire? Why am I... A fucking submissive slut?! Ugh, fuck!" Rinako sighed again, turning her head to the door leading back into the small rented apartment.

"Ugh... Hiroshi..." Rinako said silently, staring at the door, remembering Hiroshi's words after sex. "I hope I wasn't too rude, my love? I know you love rough sex, but sometimes I worry that I'm hurting you. Are you okay, darling? Are you okay Rina?" Hiroshi's words and his worried and concerned face were stuck in Rinako's mind, making her sigh deeply again and turn her face forward.

"Fuck! And instead of answering like a normal person, I just smiled like a fucking dumb bitch and kissed him," Rinako cursed softly, touching her lips with her fingers, remembering Hiroshi's passionate kisses. "Ugh... Why I did that?! I'm Dylan, not Rinako! Not a fucking Rinako!" she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel and began to wipe her wet hair.

"I have to figure this out! Figure everything out and go back to New York! Back home! Ugh... Fuck, Dylan, keep calm and cool." Rinako dried her body with the towel and began to wrap her hair in it like a turban, then took clean underwear from the shelf and began to put it on.

Part 13

Rinako looked at her reflection in the mirror and frowned, remembering the scene when she saw herself for the first time in the mirror. It seemed like it wasn't with her, but with someone else. "Still can't believe that this bitch is me. Fuck!" whispered Rinako in a angry voice to herself while she was fixing straps of bra behind her back with her fingers.

"Ugh! Fuck this bra! Fuck this body!" exclaimed Rinako angrily, adjusting straps of bra behind her back, while her huge boobs were shaking with every move. "And... Done!" she said, putting her hands on her wide hips and looking in the mirror, focusing her gaze on her huge boobs covered by lacy purple bra with a small bow in middle between her huge boobs. "Hmm... This bra looks fucking awesome on me..." she said, staring at her reflection in the mirror, then raised her eyebrows and quickly shook her head, "Fuck! Again? Looks like this bitch is influencing me... Fuck Dylan, focus."

Rinako leaned down on her hands resting against the sink and suddely her gaze was attracted to a wedding ring on her finger. "Hm... Wedding ring..." Rinako stared at the ring for a couple of seconds with interest, then suddenly smiled widely and happily, remembering how Hiroshi proposed to her. "Hiroshi proposed to me in a fancy restaurant... Aww! He was so cute and adorable! He was so nervous and his hands were shaking!" Rinako straightened up, took a step back and her smile became wider.

"And then he kneeled in front of me and nervously handed me engagement ring in a small box, looking at me with his beautiful big eyes," Rinako's gaze was wandering back and forth between her reflection in the mirror and the engagement ring. "I remember I was so happy! So happy and excited! And Hiroshi was also so happy when I accepted his proposal! Aww!" Rinako covered her mouth with her palms and giggled, imagining Hiroshi's happy face.

Suddenly, Rinako's gaze stopped at the wedding ring and her smile faded. "Wait... Wait... How the fuck did I got this memorys?! Why the fuck I remember this?! This is not my memory, this is Rinako's memorys!" Rinako frowned and her smile disappeared, staring at her engagement ring. "... All of this were happened because of this fucking old witch! I swear I'll fucking kick her ass and... Ugh..." Rinako closed her eyes and put her hand on her belly, feeling the unpleasant feeling.

"Fuck... I think I'm hungry... Ok, we'll think about it later... but for now, let's try to survive this day... Ugh... So hungry... Fuck!" Rinako opened her eyes and turned her head towards the bathroom door. "Hiroshi, honey, are you hungry?!" Rinako shouted loudly, taking home bathrobe from the hook and putting it on.

Part 14

"Hiroshi, honey, are you... Ugh..." Rinako opened her apartment door and froze, looking at Hiroshi, who was sitting at a small table in the middle of the room, drinking tea, and reading a newspaper, wearing only his underwear. Rinako stared at him silently, again realizing what she was saying and calling him 'honey' without hesitation. "Ugh... Hiroshi, I... Uh... I mean..."

"Yes, darling, I'm hungry, very hungry." Hiroshi interrupted her, folding the newspaper and turning his gaze to her, smiling slightly and looking at her with a puzzled expression on his face. "Are you okay, Rina? You seem confused or... Upset about something? You're not mad at me for what happened before, are you?"

"Huh? Mad? Upset? No, no, no, not at all, honey," Rinako forced a wide smile and shook her head, walking towards him, feeling that her cheeks were blushing. "I'm just... Hungry. Yeah, very hungry... Actually, I'm starving..." Rinako stopped near the table, put her hands on her wide hips and looked at the table. "Um... What about tempura or chicken katsu? Or sushi?" Rinako looked at Hiroshi and smiled wider.

"Sounds great, Rina. Tempura is amazing. Just perfect." Hiroshi smiled wider too, put the newspaper on the floor near his chair, and rose from his seat. "Actually, I could cook tempura for us, while you get dressed and fix your hair."

"Sure, honey, sounds great," Rinako said, again calling him 'honey' without hesitation, and kissed Hiroshi on his lips, feeling how his mustache and beard were touching her lips. Then suddenly widered her eyes and stepped back, "No! No... I mean... Ugh... You go get dress and fix your hair... Or..." her gaze was moving nervously around the room, looking for the right words, and then stopped at the TV remote lying on the table. "Or... Or watch TV or... Ugh... Whatever... While I... I... I'll cook tempura... Yes, exactly. I'll cook tempura. Okay honey?" Rinako smiled awkwardly and nervously.

"Okay honey, sounds great," Hiroshi smiled wider and kissed her on lips and stroked her buttocks with his hands through a bathrobe. "Actually, tempura is much better when cooked by you. You're a great cook. Just perfect," he said, smiling and walking away from her towards the mattress on the floor.

"God... Damn... It..." Rinako whispered softly, looking how Hiroshi was walking away, feeling butterflies in her stomach from his words about her cooking skills. "Ugh... Okay... Okay, Rinako... Dylan... Fuck... Focus!" she exhaled deeply and turned to the mini-fridge. "Okay... Tempura... How the fuck I should cook this bullshit and what the fuck is tempura?!" Rinako opened mini-fridge and stared at its contents. Then, after a couple of seconds, with smile on her lips, took several eggs, a small pack of shrimp, and a few vegetables "Perfect!"

Part 15

After two days in delivery office.

"Please, Mr. Tanaka, let me work here. I beg you," Rinako repeated once again, bowing her head in front of her boss, hoping that bowing will help her. The office of her boss, manager of local office of delivery company 'Shuto Express Delivery Co", seemed somewhat gloomy despite a sunny morning outside office building. Rinako cursed herself for the fact that she now had to humiliate herself so much and beg for the job, which she even did not want in first place. But what was worse: Rinako really needed that job because otherwise she and Hiroshi won't have money to pay rent of their tiny, cheap apartment, located in the most gloomy place of Tokyo near one of Tokyo River and downtown.

During these two days she more and more began realizing how difficult life is for common person who does not have a million in his account, and this was annoying her. Even the simplest things which Dylan did without thinking became difficult. Like buying products for cooking, paying for something... During these days Rinako found how important it is to have a stable job which allows survive, especially for her - girl who have not any work skills and knowledge except knowledge how spend her father's millions or how party with friends.

When Hiroshi found out that she was not going to work anymore, he was furious and said to Rinako that he wasn't gonna work too to support both of them, because if she don't wanna to earn money then he also don't want to work. It was strange, Rinako's new feelings did not allow her to offend him, but at the same time she didn't want be dominated and especially she wasn't going to work delivery girl. It was a great shock when she even hearing about this job. But after their discussing about job and about their financial problems, Rinako finally agreed with Hiroshi's argumets, but she wasn’t going to work as some stupid delivery girl, much less go to the office after she told her boss to go to hell and... apologize?! Well, no, this was definitely not suitable for her.

Having opened a job search site, she decided to search more suitable job for herself, although use this kind of websites for such search was totally new and unusual thing for her. 'CEO' and 'Director' jobs was first what Rinako searched and immediately called to companies to schedule interview. Unfortunately, all calls were unsuccessful - nobody even took her seriously, rudely and disrespectfully hanging up her calls. And step dy step she realized that only job for her with normal money salary were jobs like cleaning service woman, salesgirl in shop, waitress etc... except of coruse unofficial works like prostitution but this option was totally unacceptable. It was terrible shock for her when she understood that work as Delivery girl was really best option for her right now.

Part 16

The silence in the small office seemed simply unbearable, as if Rinako didn't exist, and not the words she'd been trying to convey would be heard, but the sounds of their own thoughts, beating her head from all sides. Mr. Tanaka was silently and attentively looking at Rinako without batting an eyelash, continuing to stare straight at Rinako, who was nervously moving her gaze from his face to her cleavage, showing the upper edge of her huge boobs in her white top with bows. Rinako hated being like this - helpless and desperate. Dylan, Rinako - in no way, regardless of their current appearance, enjoyed to bow their heads humbly in front of someone or beg.

"Please Mr. Tanaka, tell what can I do to keep the job, Sir," said Rinako silently with a hint of shame in her voice. "Please Mr. Tanaka, I really need to keep the job," Rinako silently said, looking how her tits were moving slightly with every breath.

"Yama... Rinako-chan... Well..." Mr. Tanaka cleared his throat, rubbed his face with hands, and rose from his chair, walked around the table and stood near Rinako. "Look, Rinako-chan... Maybe... Maybe... If you could..." Mr. Tanaka stammerd rubbing his hair with his hands nervously and Rinako raised her eyes, looking at him attentively. He fell silent for a few seconds, his gaze was moving from her cleavage to her short denim shorts showing her long smooth thighs. Then cleared his throat again and sighed deeply. "If you could do something to... Reconsider my decision... Maybe I'll... Think about your job? What do you think about it, Rinako-chan?"

"Oh... Of course! Anything for work, Mr. Tanaka," quickly answered Rinako staring with wide open eyes at his face and nodded her head, feeling how her heartbeat quickened. "Anything."

"Really Rinako-chan?" Mr. Tanaka reached down with one hand towards his crotch, unfastened the buckle of his belt and unzipped his pants, and with his other hand gestured Rinako to help, who not seeing it was nodding her head in response quickly. "Anything?"

"Yeah, absolutely any-" she raised her eyes towards his face and stopped mid-word when saw how his hand gestureing her. "...thing... Wha-a-a... Ugh... Mr. Tanaka, this..." She suddenly swallowed, realizing what he wants, feeling her cheeks were blushing with shame and anger. 'What the hell?! He wanna that I suck his dick?! For fucking delivery job, fuck?!' thought Rinako in fury in her mind, feeling how her pussy started get wet with every second when Rinako imagining this disgusting scene - kneel in front of him, lean to his crotch and stick his small dick in my mouth. 'Ugh... what the... why...' she bit her upper lip and took a small step closer him.

"Any... Anything for work Mr. Tanaka..." slowly replied Rinako with silent shaking voice, kneeling in front of him and leaning toward his crotch, touching by her big tits his legs while slowly and awkwardly began to take out from his pants and underwear a small erect cock. 'God... Fuck... Dylan... I'm gonna suck a dick for job... Ugh... such a stupid slut...' Rinako put his dick in her hand and slowly began to lick its tip with tip of her tongue.

Part 17

'Fucking asshole!' swore Rinako silently in her mind, dressing up after sex with boss in her delivery uniform. 'This stupid son of a bitch cum immediately as I started suck his tiny cock!' she cursed him mentally again while putting on her blue uniform and fixing her pink bra in girls locker room. 'Weak stupid piece of shit can't even satisfy girl properly! God damn! If you wanna that somebody suck your tiny cock - at least last longer, piece of shit!' cursed her boss in her mind and, staring angryly at the mirror near the locker and frowning, grabbed her hair, forming ponytail and wrapping the hair tie around the hair to fix it.

After two or three minutes of silence, Rinako sighed loudly and crossed her hands near tits. 'Fuck! I know Dylan should not thinking about this dick s***g as a good thing, but... Damn!.. I'm fucking bitch with pussy now, and I don't have to be ashamed of such shit... and it's fucking great feeling to be treated as bitch!' sudden warm feeling in Rinako's belly and between her legs. Her hand unvoluntarily, like on a unconscious order, moved to her crotch, but at this moment she stopped, looking confused and ashamed and tried return her hand back, but...

'Fuck, I should control myself. And be Dylan! Remember who are you. Son of billionaire Dylan Brown. NOT slut Rinako' she scolded herself in mind and after few deep breathes and finished her preparation for work as delivery girl. 'Okey, let's start this stupid delivery shit that I sucked for' cursed silently Rinako in her mind and walked to the point to get first delivery task.

"Oh, hi, have you recovered? We were worried about you, Yamabuki-chan, when you disappeared yesterday without any word!" smiled at Rinako Akari-chan, Rinako's colleague.

"Ehm... Hi, yeah... But I wasn't sick, Mr. Tanaka told that he fired me..." answered Rinako without much enthusiasm looking for delivery list.

"He fired you?! You?! Ahaha! No, Yamabuki-chan this is impossible. He cannot fire you" she winked "At least until his wife does not find out about you two". Akari-chan quietly chuckled on own joke and winked again and walked away. 'Ugh... No-o-o, fuck! This joke can't be true! I'm not his fucking mistress. Ugh...' thought Rinako, walked away too and picked up delivery bag, walking outside delivery building. 'Fuck! How much other crap I gonna experience due this stupid transformation?!' thought Rinako mentally.

Part 18

'Aaaaaa.... fuck! Why driving on scooter is so scary?!' panicked Rinako when driving scooter through downtown and taking to herself strange looks for her panic reactions from other people, thought that 'never ever ever I gonna drive this shit scooter on the main road. This road is too scary'. Rinako felt fear and anxiety that never were feeling in past due to her new fear of danger and death feelings in the form Rinako, and this made her drive slowier with different safety care routine than in the past Dylan's.

'Oh... that's better... Nice quiet residential street, not crazy city main road. Much more safer'. Rinako's breathing and heart were still beating fast while her mind imagining accident and different other horrific scenarious with death, accident and injuries due to city dangerous traffic. 'I must drive safer... much more safer' she thought driving slower and smiling.

While Rinako drive slowly to the place delivery, her mind returned in memories how she in past driving her, or rather his, exspensive sport car and enjoying rush speed with feeling of extreme and feeling dangerous and close to death. From these memories Rinako shuddered with fear feeling. 'Oh god... I remember feeling so great and dangerous while speeding... fuck... Dylan Brown was such reckless kid! You could have hit some one Dylan. Ugh' Rinako thinking shocked herself feeling bad about her former reckless self.

Stopping at the building for delivery she noticed cute young boy who looking on her while sitting near entrance with puppy. 'Oh cute, puppy! And boy cute too. Looks like age near 15-20 or even older? Seems so nice... Huh?!' she looked at her clock 'Shoot! I'm late! Delivery always must done quickly!' she quickly parked her scooter, took out small box from bag and ran quickly inside building. 'Oh... That puppy so cute! But I need job fast'.

Part 19

'Where's his apartment?' Rinako looked on delivery task note checking addrress box 505 - fifth floor, apartment 121. She run fast by stairs to fifth floor and, feeling how her tits were bouncing hardly in bra 'Oww... Hurts from stairs!' she stopped and bent down 'fuck, almost fly my boobs away!' Rinako touching lightly bra clasp on her back, checked and stood up, began run again 'delivery first and second problem later!'

Her mobile ringed while running fast 'Shit! Work phone?! Hope this not Mr. Tanaka about this delivery! I will answer later! First delivery quickly!' she run faster and quickly, cursing mentally her tits which were jumping hardly with every step. 'Sometimes tits so annoying and hinder! Who allowed them jump like this?!' thought Rinako, finally getting to the apartment door, knocking quickly on door.

After few seconds she knocking again 'fuck, what if client gonna angry for so late delivery?! Shit... What if he will angry?!' she nervously biting lip. Door suddenly opened and Rinako immediately raised eyes with wide smile.

"Hello, 'Shuto Express Delivery' thanks you for order and wishes you good day. Package for Yoshimi Miyazaki!" loudly and quickly with smile, but nervous voice. Client, handsome and good looking 50 or even 60 year old man with thick mustache, in striped short sleeved shirt, stood silent staring on Rinako confusedly.

"Uhmm... Package... For Yoshimi Miyazaki..." Rinako repeated still nervous from thoughts that client can angry 'Why he don't answer? Hope not angry?!' thought Rinako nervousy again 'Ugh shit.. Why my thoughts are so... feminine and... childish?!'.

"Oh right! Sorry honey," client suddenly smiled widely showing his teeth smile, looked on his delivery task and took box "I just... Too fascinated, sorry honey. You're so gorgeous and beautiful! Never expected delivery girl can be such cutie, ha-ha-ha!" laughed client happily loudly staring on Rinako 'Oh god he so old and looks too older! But he such polite and gentleman! Looks too kind person and... handsome a bit...'

"Yeah... Thank you mister. Delivery is completed, goodbye!" smiled Rinako a bit surprised from man's compliments.

"Oh thank you, sweetheart! And your..." he made movements as if fastening a button on a shirt "everything... also stunning honey!". Rinako looked down automatically and realized that due to nervous movements and fast run tits buttons has opened. 'Shit! Embarassing! Oh fuck! Boobs exposed to old client?! Ugh old pervert!' Rinako felt how blood flowing to cheeks and covering whole her face in a bright blush, closed shirt buttons, bowed quickly and ran downstairs. 'Damn! Damn! Embarrasing!' she cursing herself while run back to parking.

Part 20

Already month has passed after Rinako found herself in Tokyo instead of New York, trapped in body of Japanese girl. At start everything was new and unknown to Dylan, or now Rinako, who still haven't accustomed to changed world with new feelings and new social role as girl in Tokyo, but gradually everything was adjusted into new pattern, each time finding more and more new explanations for her feelings, desperatelly convice herself that all this is temporary.

'God... Who could imagine that my daily routine gonna look like this. Prepare breakfast and do some household chores, deliver parcels while drive scooter, eat supper and prepare lunch for tomorrow. Ugh, so ordinary, like typical house wife...' Rinako stood near oven watching fried rice for lunch and checking temperature 'Hmm, nearly end, just couple of minutes and will ready! Hmmm... Everything looks so homey and domestic... Domestic...' thought Rinako with a bit sad feelings.

'This doesn't supposed how I... Dylan should live. Dylan Alexander Brown son of billionaire living in apartment like this, working as delivery girl and preparing dinner everyday! No way! This is simply...' Rinako sighed loudly while mixing cooked fried rice. 'Shit! I miss New York... Everything was different than Tokyo life and especially this one' thought Rinako putting fried rice in lunch box and looking at her husband 'Hiroshi... My... Husband?! Ugh.. This is still strange thought, although already feel like we married for couple of years... and he know me like thousands years too and know how to satisfy me and...' Rinako blushed sudden.

'Ugh, this memories about sex...' she put the lunchbox for Hiroshi on table. 'Fuck! Dylan-Rina, who have you become? Shy, hard working delivery girl during the day, loving housewife during the evenings and horny submissive slut during night...'

"Thank you honey." smiled her Hiroshi, when Rinako put meal on the table for lunch and sitting beside him "Hmm everything tastes delicious as always!" he kissed her lightly on lips while Rinako just smiling silently and shyly answering with same kiss. 'Hmm.. It feels so well, love it when he compliments my cooking' thought Rinako dreamley staring at Hiroshi enjoying food.



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