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Part 1

In a huge window located in the wall of a luxurious building stretching along an elegant avenue, the silhouette of a woman dressed in tight clothes could be seen, looking outside. Her smooth movements, as if in slow motion, were hypnotizing for anyone who might be able to see her. Slow movements of her round, firm buttocks and her stretched upward hands made the silhouette seem like a sensual dancer. However, it was all just a part of the daily routine for Oksana, who was used to doing that for hours, in order to make the customers happy.

"Do you think you're sexy?! Huh? You're a whore! Do you hear me? A whore!" Valentin shouted angrily, already drunk, celebrating his promotion. "You are a piece of shit! You are a worthless, disgusting piece of shit!"

Oksana, however, couldn't understand the reason behind this behavior and can only think: "He is a rich bastard who pays me to please him. It doesn't matter what he says, he is paying." and she continues to dance slowly, trying to pretend that the words don't hurt her.

"Hey, do you think that your dance will make me happy? Huh?" he asks, and then laughs loudly. He was sitting in a chair, holding a bottle of expensive vodka in one hand, and his other hand was already busy playing with the zipper of his pants. "Come here, bitch," he added, and pointed at his pants.

Without saying a word, she obeyed, trying to smile as much as possible, as if everything was fine and normal, despite the fact that he was making her feel worse than ever. She went towards him, still smiling, but as she approached, he stood up and pushed her to the ground.

"Ugh! Fuck you and all women!" he shouted, and took another sip of vodka. His face was red, and he seemed like he was out of his mind. Then, he sat on the chair and took his penis out, pointing at the woman on the ground. "Come here, whore, you know what to do!"

Of course she knew and of course she did, she was a professional. But this situation was the worst she had experienced since working as a call girl for rich, successful and famous men.

Part 2

Coming out of this house onto the street, after it was all over, Oksana was so angry and furious that she was shaking. She couldn't stop herself thinking about what Valentin had said and done to her. 'What a bastard, how dare he treat me like that, as if I'm a piece of garbage?! He is a rich jerk and I'm just a whore, that's true. But what a disgusting, selfish, egoistic man! Shit, I need to relax and forget about it, otherwise, I'll explode,' she thought, while walking along the street, heading towards a nearby bar.

She walked in, looking around. The place wasn't crowded, but it was definitely loud, especially near the pool tables, where a few young guys were playing, drinking beer and shouting. A couple of other people were sitting at the tables, talking and drinking, smoking cigarettes. At the bar, there were only a few women, including one of the waitresses, who was busy serving the customers. The other was sitting on a stool, smoking and talking to a man who was standing next to her, leaning against the counter, drinking a beer. 'Looks like a quiet night, not too busy. That's good, maybe I'll have time to relax and not worry about my problems,' she thought, and smiled, sitting on the opposite side of the bar.

Sitting alone at a table, drinking and looking through the window, she could still remember all those horrible things, which Valentin had done to her. How humiliated and degraded she had felt, listening to his words and seeing the look on his face, while he was abusing her, without any respect or compassion. "It's just a job," she kept repeating to herself, but it didn't help and she felt even more angry and frustrated, as the memories kept coming back.

Suddenly, someone touched her shoulder and asked: "Hi Oksana, how are you?"

Turning around, she saw an old woman, who had been working at the bar for many years. She was a kind woman and always friendly towards anyone who came there, especially young girls like Oksana, who often needed someone to talk to, and the woman was happy to listen and try to help.

"Oh, Hi... How did you know my name?" Oksana asked, a little bit surprised, looking at the woman's face and trying to find out where they could have met before.

"Don't look at my face, darling, we don't know each other," the woman replied, laughing and showing her teeth, which were quite yellow and crooked, as if they had never been taken care of properly. "I'm a witch, honey, I know everything about everyone. But I'm not talking about that now. Tell me, are you really want to take revenge on Valentin?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Oksana asked, feeling a bit nervous and uncomfortable. At that moment, her insides were torn into several parts. On the one hand, she was sure that she was some kind of crazy person, but on the other hand, she also wanted revenge. But after witch's words she felt her whole body tremble and goose bumps appeared on her arms. "Valentin is a bastard! He is a horrible man, who doesn't deserve to be respected, he deserves only contempt and disgust! He doesn't respect me or anyone else. He thinks he is so great and important, that he can treat everyone like dirt and no one will ever say anything bad about him!"

"Yes, yes, I know, darling, he is a jerk and you're right," the woman replied, putting her hand on Oksana's shoulder and nodding. "That's exactly why I'm offering you a deal, dear, a very simple one, you'll like it, I promise." She leaned closer, and whispered...

Part 3

Valentin entered his huge, modern, and luxurious office, smiling happily, as he was proud of his promotion and success. He had just returned from a meeting with his boss, and was excited about his future career and achievements. 'I deserve it, I am the best, I am a talented and brilliant young man, and soon, I will be one of the most influential people in this country!' he thought proudly, while looking at the picture of himself on his desktop. It was a photograph of him, taken recently during a photoshoot, showing him dressed in a very elegant and expensive suit, with his hands on his waist and a serious look on his face.

'Yeah, that's me, Mr. Successful, Mr. Money-maker, Mr. Powerful and Sexy,' he continued to think, and then laughed loudly, as he couldn't believe how lucky he was. After all, not many people could have such a good life, especially when they were so young and handsome. 'And soon, I will have more power, and wealth, and fame... All women will worship me, and I... I will be able to do whatever I want with any woman, not only with these cheap whores!' He imagined how he could treat with any women like trash, and felt his cock getting harder.

Then, suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his intercom.

"Mr. Valentin, sir, you have a letter, delivered by a courier, sir," the receptionist announced. "Should I open it, sir?"

"No, no, bring it here, now, I'm going to read it myself," he replied.

The receptionist opened the door and entered his office. In her hand was a small envelope, which she gave to him. "Here it is, sir, here's the letter," she said and after he took it from her, she left the room.

After the receptionist had left, Valentin carefully examined the envelope. 'Hmm, it's a letter, from whom? Maybe, from a secret admirer?' he thought, while holding the envelope in his hands, feeling curious and intrigued. Then, he tore it open and read its content.

Dear Mr. Valentin Smirnov,

Congratulations, you are now one of the most successful men in this city. And as a reward, we invite you to the exclusive VIP event, organized by us, and only for the richest, the most influential and the most powerful men in this town. The date and place of the event will be sent to you via email. Please, confirm your participation by replying to this letter and attaching the attached photograph of an ideal partner for you, who you wish to accompany you during the event.

Thank You for being our guest!


The organizers.

Valentin smiled widely, as he couldn't believe that this was true. He couldn't imagine how this could be possible. 'Huh, ok, If you wanna play, whoever you are, then I will play. Yeah, why not?' he thought, and started to search for the perfect photo online.

After several minutes, Valentin found a photo of a beautiful, busty, blonde woman. 'Hmm, a gorgeous chick, I bet she is a professional escort or a model, and it’s unlikely they’ll be able to deliver her here, for me. So, yeah, this will be fun!' he printed the photo and then attached it to the letter before putting it back into the envelope, which he gave to the receptionist.

The rest of the day he spent in his office, looking through the window at the city below him and thinking about his future plans, especially about the upcoming VIP event. He was feeling confident and happy. But, after leaving his office and heading towards the car, he suddenly felt strange - his vision got blurry for a second while his head was spinning a little bit. 'Damn it, what the hell was that?' he thought, while shaking his head, after everything became normal. However, now he felt how something soft was touching his neck in time with head movements, and his body seemed to be tightly wrapped with something elastic, as if he was wearing a second skin. 'What the hell is...' all he had time to think was raising his hand to his head to grab a strand of blond hair and pull it down, feeling a sharp pain in his head.

"Argh, fuck, it's hurts!" he screamed loudly in new high pitched and feminine voice, while trying to stand straight on new high heels, which were very uncomfortable. "Fuck, what the hell is going on here?! Where the hell are my cloth... WHAT?!" he yelled, while noticing a reflection of a beautiful, blonde woman in the car window. She had big breasts, long hair, and was wearing a sexy tight white blouse with huge cleavage, which exposed her large breasts and blue miniskirt, which was barely covering her round butt. She looked shocked and scared and repeated everything that he was doing.

Part 4

Despite the surprise and shock, Valentin was able to recognize in the reflection that the woman in the car window was a copy of the woman he had sent in the letter. 'It's a joke, right? A prank? No, no, it can't be, there must be some explanation!' he tried to explain everything to himself, while slowly touching his face and feeling his soft, smooth skin, while strange new soft breasts were touching his elbows. 'Shit, I have boobs!!! FUCKING HEAVY BOOBS!' his mind was full of thoughts and fears, which didn't let him think straight. However, the thought that this was somehow connected with that letter was very strong, and he decided to go back to his office, where the original letter was waiting.

"Goddamn... stupid! HEELS and this stupid BODY, fucking, I can't even walk!" he cursed, trying to run back to the office, but it looks more like a drunken woman's wobble, or a child's first steps. His pitched voice echoed through the parking lot, attracting attention of the few people who were nearby. They stared at the too slutty, curvy and busty blonde woman who was desperately trying to walk, screaming and cursing all the way, as if she was drunk. "Hey, stop staring at me, damnit! Go fuck yourself, idiots!" he shouted, making them laugh, while he kept trying to balance and walking forward.

When he finally reached the main entrance to the business center and walked towards the security check, the guard stopped him.

"Excuse me, miss, where are you going? What do you want here?" the guard asked, looking at his body from head to toe, while smiling perversely.

"I want to enter my office, of course! Now, move!" he ordered, in his new, high-pitched voice.

"Oh, yeah? And who are you? Huh?" the guard asked, with a provocative smile.

"I'm Valentin, Mr. Valentin Smirnov!"

"Ha, ha, ha, and I'm the President of the United States, of course!" the guard answered, and burst out laughing. "Look, if you want to go there, show me your ID card, or get the hell out of here, slut!"

"I'm not a SLUT, you asshole, I'm a man!" he tried to yell at the guard, but it sounded more like a hysterical scream, as his voice was too high, and his body was shaking a little.

"Oh, sure, baby, I believe you, you're a real man!" the guard answered mockingly, and added: "Now, move aside, bitch, or I'll call the cops, I don't have time to waste with you!" He grabbed the blonde's arm, pulling him towards the exit, while Valentin clumsy moved his legs, trying not to fall, cursing and swearing at the guard, who ignored him.

"Stop it, bitch! Go away, now, before I call the cops for prostitution! Go sell your body somewhere else!" the guard ordered, and then pushed the blonde's back, sending her staggering away.

"Bitch? Prostitution? Hey, wait! You can't do that!" he shouted angrily, and then added: "You're fired, asshole, and you will regret it!"

"Sure, princess, you're so scary," the guard replied sarcastically, and laughed. "Now, go away, bitch!" and goes back to work.

Part 5

In the night dark alley, where the light of the street lamps barely reached, was heard a muffled, angry female voice: "Fuck, what a disgusting piece of shit! I hate them, I hate all of them! Bastards! Fuckers! Assholes!" she was swearing, seating at the one of the bench and squeezing her breasts with her small hands. She couldn't stop cursing, trying to calm down but every time she looked down and saw those huge, heavy boobs, her rage grew even stronger, and her body started to shake. She couldn't understand what was going on and what could have caused it, and even if she did, she wouldn't believe it, as this was impossible.

"Hey, hey, damsel in distress, why are you so sad, my dear?" a voice interrupted her thoughts. She turned around and saw a woman, dressed in black tight leather jacket and jeans, and black boots. It was Oksana, who waiting patiently, leaning against a wall and smoking a cigarette. "I see, you're having some troubles with this new body of yours, huh? Poor baby..."

"Hey, how the hell did you know that? Who are you?!" Valentin asked, confused and surprised, looking at the stranger, who was smirking. "Who the hell are you?!"

"... You even not recognize me? I'm offended, you know?" the woman answered, with a sad expression on her face, but then, she laughed and added: "Well, no matter, it's not important anyway, sweetie. The main thing is, now you have a great opportunity, my dear, to change your life, and have fun! I can help you, you know? Just tell me, what's your name, darling?"

"What? Are you insane? Change me back, NOW! You crazy psycho, you're gonna pay for that, bitch! Do you hear me?" the blonde screamed, as she jumped from the bench and approached the woman.

"Oooh, no, no, no, that's not a good idea, honey, no. If you want to return to your old, boring and ugly body, then you must destroy the card that you received in the mail today," the woman answered calmly, still smoking and smiling, while looking at the blonde. After a short pause, she added: "But you probably already tried that, didn't you? So, you even can't return to your office, and have no money and no clothes, is that correct? Oh, poor, poor baby..."

"What? Are you... are you serious?" the blonde asked, with a worried look on her face, realizing that this woman was right. Her new body was too voluptuous, curvy and slutty, and was definitely not suitable for business and success. "So, what the hell are you suggesting, you psycho?!

"First, my name is not psycho, it's Oksana, and second, I'm only one who knows how to help you, honey. And you have two options - accept my offer and have fun, or, you can continue to try returning to your old body without money, without a home, alone and helpless in this big, cruel world, where nobody cares about you, sweetie. But I'm sure you'll not succeed, and you'll end up in jail, or worse. So, choose wisely, honey," the woman finished her speech, and threw the cigarette butt to the ground, stepping on it and extinguishing.

"Ugh, you... I hate you!" the blonde said, in a high pitched voice, but then, after thinking about what the woman said, she sighed deeply and added: "Ok, fine, what do you want? I'm listening."

"That's my girl, smart choice, I'm proud of you," the woman smiled, and took out from her pocket a ID card, handing it to the blonde. "This is yours, sweetie. You are now Yelena, a beautiful, sexy, young Russian girl, who works as an prostitute, and who has just arrived in the United States. May be you didn't notice but you have a strong accent, it's cute. And most important, this ID and everything that a said is true, because thanks to the power of magic it is now real. Valentin is gone and he is replaced by Yelena... Only one thing that's still remains from Valentin - his memories of his previous life and photo in the letter that you received. Yes, yes, Yelena image is replaced by your... sorry, i mean by Valentin's one."

Part 6

'Argh, fuck! This is a fucking nightmare! I can't stand this body, I can't stand this fucking voice! Ugh!' the blonde cursed, while standing under the shower, feeling the warm water running down her curvy body. Her round butt and huge breasts were bouncing up and down slightly, with every move she made, making her more and more furious. 'Fuck, it's so disgusting! How the hell am I supposed to deal with all of this?! Argh, shit, it's too hard, I hate them! Why did they have to be so fucking huge?!' she kept thinking, while touching her heavy tits, trying to figure out how to make them disappear.

'Damn, this is for real? I'm stuck with these fucking big, slutty, and useless balloons?!' she remembering how she checked everything about her new identity and found that she really was Yelena Volkova, a twenty years old woman from Moscow, who just recently immigrated to the US. In her suitcase, she found a passport, a birth certificate, other papers, and several photographs of her. She also found her bank card and her phone, which was turned off. After turning it on, she found many photos, messages, and videos of herself, showing her s***g a cock, getting fucked by some guys and doing various things. Everything was there, as if she was a real whore, a bitch who only cared about sex. And the worst part was that in all those photos and videos she looked very happy, enjoying every moment of it, smiling and moaning loudly.

"UGH!!! That bitch! This is all her damn work!" she yelled angrily, while grabbing her ass and squeezing it, causing a moan from her mouth. "Oh, shit, this is so... ugh, damn it!" she moaned again, feeling how her pussy was getting wetter, as her new body reacted to her touch, sending waves of pleasure through her whole body.

'Damn it, I'm not a bitch, I'm not a whore! Argh, shit, I don't care, I will never do what she wants, never!' she thought, and then closed her eyes, as she couldn't stand looking at her big, bouncy breasts, or the reflection of her new body, which was so slutty and sexy, as if she was some kind of a p**sta*r. 'But for change my body back, I need this damn letter and tear it! Damn, and only she can help me...'

Part 7

"Lena, honey, are you ok in there?" a voice interrupted her thoughts. Oksana was standing in front of the door, knocking and trying to talk to her. "Come on, sweetie, I'm worried about you. Are you alright?"

"Go to hell!" Yelena replied, feeling angry and frustrated. "You're crazy, and I hate you!"

"No, honey, you're wrong. It's not me who's crazy, it's you, because only you think that you are a some rich bastard, who can do whatever he wants, and not a slut, who should be fucked. Don't worry, baby, I'll help you, just be patient and soon, you'll understand everything, you'll love this new life," Oksana answered, smiling and trying to sound sympathetic.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not a fucking slut!" the blonde screamed angrily.

"Of course you are, Lena. Come on, sweetie, don't be ashamed, it's normal for a girl like you, to be a whore, especially one as beautiful and sexy as you," Oksana said, and laughed, enjoying her revenge.

"You... argh, damn..." Yelena muttered, but couldn't say anything more, because the woman was right, she couldn't argue with her, as she felt now again how her pussy was getting wetter only even thinking about the possibility that she was a slut, or a whore. 'Damn it, why is it feels so good? Why is my body reacting like that every time I think about being treated like a cheap slut!? No, no, it's wrong, I'm not a slut, I'm not a whore, and I'm not a bitch, damnit, I'm not!'

"Lena, baby, if you continue to act like that, you won't get any customers," Oksana teased her, and then laughed. Yelena didn't answer, just sighed deeply and finished her shower. 'Damn bitch, I'm definitely gonna make you pay for that, I promise!' she thought, and stepped out of the bathroom, looking back at her reflection in the mirror, holding her ass and squeezing it. 'Shit, no, don't think about it, you're not a bitch, you're not a slut, you're not a whore, no matter how good it feels to think about it...' frowning eyebrows and biting her lower lip, she tried to suppress these thoughts and desires, which were slowly growing stronger inside her.

Part 8

"Look, Lena, don't be mad at me, honey. You'll see, in the future you will thank me, for all the amazing things that will happen to you, when you'll become a real slut, the best slut in this town," Oksana said, patting Yelena on the shoulder and smiling widely. They both were walking along the street, heading towards their destination. Yelena was looking down and shaking her head, didn't believe that she was actually walking along the streets of the city, dressed like a whore, while people were staring at her.

"Fuck, I'm not a whore, bitch! I hate you!" Yelena said angrily. "I'm going to get the fucking letter back, and destroy it, and then, I'll return to my life, and will make you regret what you did to me, bitch!" she added, and clenched her fists.

"Haha, you are so cute, honey, and naive. You are so stubborn, sweetie, but it's ok, I'm sure that eventually, you will understand that this is the best thing that ever happened to you. And when that day comes, I'm sure you will thank me, and will even love me," Oksana replied, laughing and shaking her head, while watching Yelena, who was still looking down, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth. She was pleased seeing that the spell was working perfectly, and Yelena was already acting like a real whore, despite her attempts to resist.

"Take it, relax, it's good for you," Oksana said, offering a cigarette to Yelena, who looked at her suspiciously saying firmly "I'm not smoking," but then, after a second, she rolled her eyes and took a cigarette from Oksana, saying, "Ugh, fuck it, what the hell," and started smoking nervously, enjoying every puff.

"It's not that bad, right?" Oksana asked, with a grin on her face, while watching Yelena, who was smoking slowly. "And you look sexy when you smoke, darling, don't worry," she added, making the blonde blush. "And your outfit is perfect, I chose it just for you, sweetie, and it suits you very well, don't you think?"

"Ugh, shut up, I wear it only because of you, damn it," Yelena answered, looking down and feeling embarrassed, while holding a cigarette in her hand. The truth was, she was really enjoying wearing such revealing clothes, and even her heels, but didn't want to admit it. It was her first shift as a prostitute, and she was a little bit nervous. She didn't want to be there, and hated everything that was happening to her, but It was only one way to get the letter, which Oksana promised to give her if she did as she said.

"Don't be so tense, sweetie. Everything will be fine, and if something goes wrong, I'll be here for you, ok?" Oksana said, trying to reassure the blonde, who was obviously anxious and worried. 'Bitch! I'll make you pay for this!' Yelena thought, and took another puff from her cigarette, noticing how car passing by slowed down, and a man inside the car was looking at her. She blushed, and immediately looked down, as the guy was leering at her, smiling widely.

"Hi, sweety," Oksana called the man, while waving at him. "Do you wanna have some fun?" she asked, leaning forward, and exposing her cleavage. The guy quickly looked at her changing his expression from lust to confusion and said: "I'm not talking to you, bitch. Hey, blondie, are you working?"

Part 9

'Shit, what am I doing here? What the hell is wrong with me? Argh, why is it so exciting, so hot, ugh, no, I'm not a slut, I'm not a whore, nooo!' she was thinking, while the man was driving, staring at her nude boobs which were bouncing slightly with every move of the car, and smiling widely. 'didn't have to take off my top, it's so humiliating and... damn, he asked me to do it, and said that if I refuse, he'll not pay me... where the hell are we going?' she was wondering, while looking through at his crotch and seeing a bulge in his pants.

"Yes, sweetie, take it out and jerk it off," the man said, and licked his lips, while he was steering and driving the car, keeping his eyes on the road and grinning. He was obviously enjoying the situation, and was happy that the prostitute was obedient and didn't try to fight back or refuse.

"Uh, yes, sir," Yelena answered, and started unzipping his pants, feeling the warmth of his cock on her fingers. 'Damn it, he's hard already! Shit, stop it, this is not right, argh, nooo, why the hell does it feel so good, aaah, fuck!' she thought, while stroking his erect dick, and feeling her own pussy getting wetter and wetter, and her nipples getting harder and harder 'uhhh.... I can't, argh, shit, I have to stop, aahhhh, noooo...'

"You're doing great, baby, keep going, faster," the man said, and laughed, while she was jerking his cock, moaning and squirming in her seat. 'Only jerk his dick, and then, it's all over, aahhh, shit...' she thought, while staring at his throbbing, wet dick and feeling her heart beating faster.

"Oh yes, now may be a good time to suck on it, don't you think?" the man asked, and looked at her, while smiling widely. Yelena stared at him for a second, feeling embarrassed and excited, but eventually answered: "No... I mean, I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not allowed to do that, unless you pay me first," and then she quickly turned her head and looked away, blushing. 'Shit, I must resist, aahhhh, nooooo, argh, fuck!' her hand was still holding his cock, and she was stroking it, doing it faster and faster, while the man was laughing.

"Haha, oh, you're so cute, honey, I like you," the man said, and kept driving, while she was jerking him off, looking through the window and blushing. 'Mr. Successful, Mr. Money-maker, Mr. Powerful... damn, now, look at you, ahhh, Mrs. Prostitute, Mrs. Bitch, Mrs. Whore...'

Part 10

Street sounds of cars passing by, and people shouting and laughing could be heard from a distance, as the blonde woman was standing in the middle of a room, looking at herself in a mirror, while crossing her hands, trying to cover her big, round, and soft breasts. Her face was red and she was breathing heavily, while looking at the reflection of her voluptuous and curvy body. She couldn't believe that it was actually her, and felt embarrassed and ashamed, remembering how she behaved with her last customer, and how much she enjoyed being used and abused by him.

'He... he treated me like a piece of meat, and I... aaahhh, fuck, I liked it! I liked it a lot! I wanted him to treat me like that, I wanted him to use and abuse me, to call me names, to tell me what to do, aaahhh, and I even didn't ask for any money!' she thought, feeling confused and frustrated. And despite the fact that during this month she was working as a prostitute, she was still resisting, refusing to do anything more than giving a ha**b and sometimes letting men to touch her tits or butt. She was proud of herself, and was sure that she had won, and her willpower was stronger than the spell, which was controlling her.

However, after Oksana disappeared, she realized that her life was difficult and dangerous, especially if she didn't earn any money. She didn't want to starve or freeze, and had no other choice but to start working like a real prostitute, doing everything that men were asking her, without complaining. 'Ugh... I can't believe that I'm thinking about it... But if I want to survive, and change my body back, I have to do it... Only one time, and that's it, it won't happen again... And it's only for money... It's not wrong, I'm doing this for money, and nobody can judge me, damnit!'

She was thinking about her choices and her decisions, trying to find excuses for what she was going to do, while touching her round breasts, and feeling her body shivering.

Loudly ringing phone interrupted her thoughts. It was Oksana calling.

"Hello, honey, how are you doing? Do you miss me?" Oksana asked, pretending to be caring and kind.

"Where are you, bitch? Give me back the letter and I'll forget about you!" Yelena replied.

"Oh, sweetie, are you angry at me? Come on, don't be like that, we both know that you love what you're doing, and that you're a real whore," Oksana teased her. 'I can't stand this bitch!' Yelena thought while hearing the words of Oksana, and breathed loudly, trying to calm down.

"So, anyway, I have a job for you, sweetie," Oksana continued. "Are you listening? Ok, good. My client is a rich businessman, and he needs a gorgeous, beautiful and sexy girl for his private party. I know you're not interested, but... You need the money, right? And I told him that you're the best one, and he's willing to pay a lot. So, you can't refuse, honey, because it's too much money," she explained, sounding like she was telling her a bad news, but her voice was full of excitement.

"How much?" Yelena asked, trying not to sound too eager, but couldn't hide her curiosity.

"Oh, my dear, I know you can't resist, right? Haha, well, the client is offering two thousand dollars for the night. I'll meet you in two hours, ok?"

Yelena couldn't believe what she was hearing, and felt her heart beating faster. Usually for the h***b, she was earning around five hundred dollars, so this was a lot of money. 'Damn, I can't say no, I have to do it... Shit, month ago I earned this much money in a day, and now...'

"Ok, fine, I'll be there," Yelena agreed, after a few seconds.

"Haha, that's my girl! Good luck, sweetie!"

Part 11

"You, whore, what are you doing here?" the security guard asked, as soon as he saw familar girl standing near the entrance. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"Fuck off, asshole! Don't touch me, or I'll sue you!" Yelena answered angrily, trying to sound tough and confident. She also recognize the guard and remembered how he treated her before. 'Why the hell am I standing in front of MY building... I mean, damnit, my old office, like a whore?!' she was thinking, while trying to ignore the security guard, who was staring at her, obviously surprised by her attitude.

"What are you doing here? Are you waiting for a client?" the guard asked, and approached her, smiling and showing his yellow teeth. "Hmm, yeah, I think so, right? You're looking for a customer, huh?"

"Go fuck yourself, idiot!" Yelena answered, trying to avoid eye contact with the guard, who was staring at her, obviously checking her body. 'When I get my old body back, I'll destroy his life, he'll regret all of this!' she was thinking, while clenching her fists and gritting her teeth.

"By the way, you look really good, sweetie," the guard said, and moved closer, trying to touch her ass. However, Yelena immediately slapped his hand away and pushed him back. "Wow, wow, don't be rude, sweetheart, just relax, okay? I'm not gonna hurt you, haha."

"Get away from me, creep! Don't touch me, or I'll scream!" she threatened him, while moving backwards and looking around, hoping to see a potential client or anyone who could help her. 'Scream?! Seriously, why the hell did I say that? Fuck, I hate it!' she was thinking, and sighed loudly, noticing a her former car passing by. 'Shit, it was my car, it belongs to me, who is this idiot driving it?!'

"Miss Volkova? Yelena Volkova, is that you?" a male voice behind her interrupted her thoughts. She turned around and saw a man dressed in a black suit, with a dark tie and glasses. He looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who he was.

"Yes, it's me, are you... a client?" she asked, trying to smile, while thinking 'Just smile and pretend, it will be over soon, damn it! You'll have the money, and you can return to your old life...' she quickly and a little nervously took out cat ears from her inner pocket and put them on her head, and smiled. "Oh, sorry... I'm your cat girl, Meow-chan," she said, while moving her hands in front of her, making gestures like a cat paws, winking and slighlt shake her ass. 'Oh, damnit, this is so humiliating and embarrassing, arghhh...' she thought, feeling her face blushing and her body shivers. "Meow~"

The man looked at her with a blank expression on his face before saying: "No, miss Volkova, I'm not a client. I should lead you to my boss. Please, follow me," and started walking towards the building. Yelena followed him, confused and nervous, while looking at him, trying to figure out where she had seen him. 'It's my forer guard, Chikarov... what the hell is... argh, I need the letter and the money, and then I'll take revenge, damn it!'

Part 12

The luxurious interior of the elevator, the music playing in the background, the cold and shiny surfaces of metal and glass, everything was so familiar, and she felt a little nostalgic. 'This is my place, damnit, I was a boss here, not a fucking whore, ugh, shit... Damn, it was only month, but it feels like forever...' she thought, while staring at her reflection in the elevator doors.

"You should close your eyes, miss Volkova. I have to blindfold you," the guard said, and reached to his pocket, taking out a small, black cloth.

"Blindfold? Are you... kidding?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. 'Why the hell should I be blindfolded?' she wondered, feeling a little bit suspicious.

"Yes, these are orders. We must do it, or my boss will be angry. Come on, miss Volkova, I don't want any problems. Just do it, please, and it will be all right, I promise," the guard explained, and approached her, slowly lifting up the black cloth, covering her eyes and tying it around her head. "Good, now, just follow me," he added, and took her by the hand, leading her inside the building.

'This is weird... I should stop and go back, maybe this is a trap, or some joke, and they'll try to embarrass me... But I need the money, and if something goes wrong, I'll run away, and they can't hurt me...' Yelena was thinking, while walking through the corridors, hearing how her heels were clicking on the floor. The blindfold was making her a little bit dizzy, and she had to focus, trying not to trip or fall. "Stay here, miss Volkova," the guard suddenly whispered into her ear, stopping her and letting go of her hand. His steps echoed in the room as he walked away. 'This is definitely strange, and I don't like it... Damnit, why the hell should I close my eyes?'

"What are you doing here, girl?" a man's voice asked, sounding very familiar, but Yelena couldn't recognize who it was.

"Huh, sorry, my name is Meow-chan, and I'm a... cute little cat girl," she answered, trying to sound cute and sexy. 'Ugh, damnit, it's so embarassing, aaahhh, nooo, shut up, just do it!' she was thinking, while biting her lower lip, and blushing, as she was feeling her nipples getting hard.

"I here to play, and to have fun, Meow~" she continued, and moved her hands like cat paws, shaking her ass slightly. "Meow~" she felt something tear her blouse, revealing her huge breasts in a green lace bra. She barely keep balance, and fell to her knees.

"Ooops, sorry, did it hurt, Meow-chan? It was an accident, I swear, hehe..." the man said, while laughing. 'What the hell was that?! Who are you, and why did you tear my blouse?!' she was thinking, while trying to stand up, feeling how her nipples are becoming harder and her body trembling from the excitement.

"Don't get up, stay on your knees, and open your mouth," the man ordered. 'What?! Are you kidding?! Open my mouth, what are you doing, argh, damnit!' her mind was full of questions, and she couldn't decide what to do, feeling more and more excited and aroused 'Why is it so exciting? Why do I enjoy it so much? Argh, no, no, no, damnit, I should stop, uhhh...'

"Open your mouth, and suck my cock, Meow-chan," the man said, and in this time she can't more resist her desire, moaning and quickly open her mouth, sticking out her tongue, waiting for a cock. 'Damnit, aaahhh, shit, ugh, give me your cock, I need your cock, please, aahhh, noooo...' she was thinking, while her heart was beating fast and her pussy was dripping wet. 'I dreamed about it so many times, aaaahhh'

Part 13

"Yes, Meow-chan, haha it's envelope which contains magic letter" man, who looking exactly like Valentin and who fucked Yelena earlier said "As I promised, you may have it, if you are a good girl" he smirked and added "And you were very good girl, Yelena"

"W-whaaaa?!" Yelena still not understanding what's happening. Just a few minutes ago she was leaning forward to a desk, felt how man's cock entering her pussy and moaned from pleasure, remembering how she sucked him off just a few moments ago. And now she seating in her former chair and looking at her former face. "Y-you?! You were fucking me a-and I... I sucked your cock, and... and you... you're... you're me?!" she asked, with a shocked expression on her face.

"Ahah, yes, that was so great, wasn't it? Losing your virginity to yourself, how do you like that?! Hahaha," the man laughed "But don't worry, sweetie, we're not done yet, hehe..."

"Wh-what do you mean, we're not..." she quickly opened envelope, took out the card with photo, and started tearing it. "Ahhh, finally, now, I'll change my body back, aaaahhh..." she moaned, imagining how her heavy tits and wide hips will disappear.

"Oh, look at this, you really thought that this was the letter?" the man laughed, while watching Yelena, who was tearing the card. "No, no, no, my dear, I'm sorry, but I lied to you, haha..."

"What?! Lied?... You... Oksana?! Is that you?!" Yelena screamed, realizing that the man was actually Oksana, who changed her appearance. "Bitch, you're going to pay for that, damn it!" she jumped from her chair and rushed towards the man, quickly moving her legs in small steps in heels, while her huge breasts bounced up and down and her long, blonde hair fluttered behind her.

"Ahah, I'm not scared of you, sweetie," Oksana/Valentin laughed, and raised his hand. "Stop right there, slut!"

"Ugh, aaaahhh..." Yelena immediately stopped, hearing the order, and stood still, breathing heavily and shaking. "Wh-what did you do, bitch?!" She felt her heart beating fast and her body becoming hotter and hotter, as her mind was filled with dirty thoughts. 'What the hell is happening?! Why did I stop, and why is it feel so good?!'

"Ahaha, I remember when I cast a spell to make you like being used and humiliated, I didn’t believe that it will work so well," Oksana answered, while approaching her slowly. "Look at you, aaahhh, such a beautiful and sexy slut, hahah..."

"Ah... You're not serious, aaaahhh, damn it!" Yelena moaned loudly, as the man squeezed her cheek, and she felt a wave of pleasure rushing through her whole body. "Argh... aahhh, damnit..."

"Haha, yes, honey, I'm serious" Valentin pushed the button on the wall, and security men entered the room "Take her, Chikarov, as I promised, now she's yours now guys" he smirked and then looked at Yelena "I'm not a monster, like you, honey, I just gave you what you always wanted, and it looks like you enjoyed it, right?" but Yelena didn't listen to him, she was too excited, and her mind was too distracted by lust.



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