Sudden pregnancy - part 2 (Miss Wong) (Patreon)
Part 1 -
Sitting back down on the sunbed, i sit and gaze at the huge swollen bump that was now my belly, rather shocked and unsure what to do.
"Well, guess I did wonder what it would be like to live someone else's life," i told yourself, laughing slightly at the utter ridiculousness of the situation, knowing that the only other option would be to cry. Then i noticed a blue flowery beach bag lying next to the bed, and figured it must have belonged to whoever you now are. "Better find out who I am, I guess," i though, reaching down and picking it up. Inside i found a large fluffy blue towel, some sandals, a pair of immaculately folded jeans and a pink top as well as a few shower products, and right at the very bottom, hidden beneath the towel, a small black purse. Opening up the purse, i experienced the second most powerful shock in my life i immediately came across a credit card and read the name that was on it out loud to myself, ""Aki Azumy Wong", guess that's me. I continued search of the purse and soon found a passport that contained most of the relevant pieces of information about my new life.
With shaking hands, I continued to look at the passport of a Chinese citizen. "Hm, lets see now," i said, scanning over the passport, "So my name is Aki Azumi Wong, I'm 33 years old and I apparently live on the other country than I used to. Well, that's crazy." I then looked at the photo on the card, staring at what i realized was now my new face, a little shocked to see a rather pretty woman, with long brown hair and brown eyes. "Holy crap!"
Throwing the purse and it's contents back into the beach bag, supporting my large belly with the other and moved as quickly as i can across the pool towards the changing rooms, no longer prepared to just sit there casually while all this weirdness was going on.
I very quickly put on the clothes of this woman and got to the car.
"Miss Wong, please go with us" - these were people from the deportation service of foreigners.
As it turned out later, Miss Wong (now I) took the car for rent and so it was calculated, and before that she ran away from China in the last month of pregnancy from her despotic family, where she gave birth to the third child. She secretly saved money and found a spell.