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"I should have gone with the fat guy. At least I'd still have a dick! If only I had left the office five minutes earlier. I would have never witnessed that mob murder. I would have never had to join the WPP. I would have never had to choose between those profiles... I would have never been stuck as a teenage girl. And with an athletic body type couldn't they have at least given me small boobs!

Steven thought upset as he tried to make his bra sit right. Of course Steven couldn't know that the agents at the WPP tried to give him the best options possible. Unlike many other of their witnesses Steven was completely innocent. And he was a nice guy. And so the agents decided to make i sure the self made MAU would turn him into a very i attractive woman. And they made sure that all other parameters they could change would be good for him. His metabolism was slightly higher so he would have an easier time maintaining a healthy guicight. 

His body was in peak physical condition. And, unlike most other witnesses, he was not heterosexual but bi. The agents hoped that Steven would see his new body and life as a blessing in time.



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