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Francis was already habitually walking with his child, about which he did not even know a week ago. Now he really understood that it was HIS baby and he had to take care of him, he had to breastfeed. He also understood that he was no longer a 15 year old difficult teenager who was arguing with his mother all the time, and now he is a 35 year old woman with big tits, a wife and mother of two children, including this baby.

But his mind still did not believe this, he slept poorly, not only from the fact that his baby woke up all the time at night, but also from these large heavy breasts. It was strange for him to go to bed with some unfamiliar man.


Everything happened quickly and in one instant. Francis mother is a scientist who worked at the university and studied the possibility of parallel worlds. She came up with some strange device that still needed to be tested.

Francis, as usual, came to her after school and asked her to let him go to a nightclub this weekend. Of course they had a dispute about this

"You, you don’t understand which one, you are an egist!"

"Mom, why do you always forbid me everything !?"

Etc. and so on

Francis mother could not stand it. She took the device and showed him

"Francis, I think you should understand what being me!" and pressed the button


Francis woke up in another room. He opened his eyes and felt immediately that something was wrong. He rose on his elbows, but his chest ... for some reason was too heavy and with his nipples he touched the floor. He immediately realized that he was in a female body. In a moment, he looked around and saw that he was in some other house. He saw himself in the mirror and saw a photograph of this woman with some man and children.

Suddenly he heard crying from the next room. During this day, he did not have time to understand everything. He had a lot of worries about his new children, including lactation. Only when there was free time did he call his mother, who for some reason recognized her friend Angela in him and offered to meet, and when asked about her son, she said that she never had children.




So amazing mother tg