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It was Friday night and it was unusual. Four friends - Oliver, Jake, Samantha, and Jennifer gathered at Oliver's grandmother's house in the attic to play one strange board game that Oliver found in his attic. Oliver is a geek who somehow found himself a girlfriend (Samantha) who had a beautiful girlfriend Jennifer who was dating handsome Jake, the captain of the high school soccer team. The company was weird, but they've been friends lately.


“Hey, come on, get this game,” Jake shouted roughly and glared at Oliver. He wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, he did not like all these board games and only agreed because of Jennifer.

“Easy with him,” Jennifer whispered.

“Yes, yes, this is it,” Oliver muttered, pulling out a strange cube that looked like a cube from a Jumanji movie. “There's something written in a strange language.

“Come on,” Jake said again, “let's get this over with.


The guys took out the cube and opened it. Inside there was a table card, a cube and figures, there were many of them and everyone chose their own. Oliver took the policeman, Samantha found a girl in business clothes, Jessica chose a man in a hat and a long coat, and Jake stood aside for a long time, but then, under Jennifer's displeased gaze, he decided to look for a figure and found a girl in a sexy pose ... He grinned and said that it is somehow more interesting now ..


- Damn, what now? Now this shit needs to be put somewhere?

Jake said displeased.

- I think we need to put them on the playing field.

Everyone agreed with Oliver and put them on.


At that moment, a glow and smoke appeared from the cube. A strange voice spoke

"Greetings, players! You have chosen the characters. Policeman (Olivar's figure is lit up at this time), FBI agent (Samantha), Pimp (Jennifer), Prostitute (Jake)."


- What the shit? what kind of voice? Shut the fuck up that shit!

Jake shouted. At this moment, there was a flash of light.

Oliver was now wearing a police suit and he himself became somehow bigger, Samantha was wearing a business suit, Jennifer was in a long leopard-colored coat, in a hat and with a cane

- Do you guys see that too?

Oliver said, but at that moment everyone looked at Jake

- What?! Why are you staring like that? Why are you dressed like that ?! Damn, what's with my voice? ..Khm..Khm .. Why are you staring nerd !? Finish this show!

Jake spoke in a high-pitched voice, but had not yet noticed himself. His face was the same, but his body completely changed, like his clothes. His body was definitely female. His pumped-up body that he trained over the years has completely changed. He stood on heels, on his feet were only wearing black stockings, no panties. His new female breasts were exposed, although he was wearing a corset. His hands, which were now skinny and small, were in gloves, and on his fingers was a pink manicure.

- Jake you ... look at yourself

- What? What!? What the heck?!

He took a step and stumbled over his heels. But the changes are not over yet. Belts began to appear on Jake's arms and neck, which were tied together by a metal chain, so that now he could not move his arms freely. A voice out of the box said

"You have not chosen an event, you have selected a random mode - Riddle in Las Vegas"

The light turned off.


The light appeared and Jake saw that he was now in a completely different room. There were no friends around, he was alone. The room was a mess, there were different things, male and female.

Jake was kneeling next to the bed. There was an unpleasant smell everywhere. On the nightstand was an old TV, which he had last seen with his grandmother, it was not a flat, but a large TV with a round screen from which a song of some old band that he heard on retro recordings was playing.

He looked at his body and saw that nothing had changed. His chest was open and gave the feeling of a strange weight, which he felt in the attic. He wanted to do something else, but noticed that his hands were tied with two belts and tied to his neck, there was some kind of metal ring between his face.

- What the hell?!

He shouted and was surprised once more at his voice. He grabbed his face and noticed how smooth his skin and his hair were now, they became longer, he tasted lipstick on his lips. At that moment, he remembered that he needed to check the most important

- What?! No no! Where is my!? This is some kind of nightmare, this is a dream!

His heart was pounding and he heard a noise outside the next door. It was the noise of the shower shutting off and the steps. The door opened and a middle-aged man with a big belly, ugly and hairy, entered the room. He was wearing a rope suit. He spoke with a strong Russian accent

- Svetlana, I'm ready

Jake got up in fright and screamed

- Who the fuck are you ?! What the hell is going on here ?!

Jake just noticed that in addition to the fact that his voice was now definitely female, now he also had a clear Russian accent.

- What's wrong with you? - the man was surprised

A dice appeared in Jake's hand, he dropped it in fright (two sixes fell) and heard a familiar voice that was from the box in the attic

"Svetlana's turn is over. A quick leap to victory. Svetlana gains access to the secrets of the Russian mafia through Vladimir. Vladimir got the best night from Svetlana."

- What, what Svetlana - began Jake, but stopped

- I didn't pay for that bitch!

But Jake's face had already changed. He did not control his body and could not change anything. He felt a smile on his face and he said

“All is well, my lord. Let me apologize and then you can do whatever you want

Jake was scared, but there was nothing he could do. He literally said it and said it very gently, while moving slowly moving on heels towards Vladimir and looking between his legs. He imagined in horror what would happen now


After 3 hours of different pleasures, Svetlana and Vladimir decided to take a break, but if you put it right, they called Vladimir and he had to solve urgent matters. He left the room on the balcony, closed the door and left Svetlana alone

- Just not for long, I will miss you!


The door to the balcony slammed shut and Jake gained control of his body for the first time. He could still feel all these tastes in his mouth, his new places ached with fatigue, and he realized that he had feigned several times. At one point, he simply stopped suffering and let go of his body while trying not to think about anything, but it turned out to be very difficult. He perfectly felt everything, everything that his body does. He saw with his eyes where his body was looking and he would be glad to close them, but he could not.

If at least one girl did what he was doing now, even a little, for him, then he would be happy about it in his old body, because usually decent girls don't do that. He looked around, got out of bed while already controlling his movements, but not controlling his breasts, which swayed with this movement. During those three hours, Jake had changed several times and was now in a sheer tight mesh suit.

His hair had been tousled in those three hours, but that was the least that bothered him. He grabbed his breasts, making sure it was real. Once again felt a surge of excitement

- What ... the ... the hell ... just happened ?! What a stupid voice ?! And this accent!

He still thought it was all a shitty dream or a hallucination, but it was all so real.

- Hey! Nerd! Finish these jokes!

Jake yelled, expecting something to happen, but he only once again heard his own voice, which he already hated. Jake started toward the exit, but remembered what form he was in. He looked at the clothes around and wanted to take them, but at that moment the door from the balcony opened

- Svetochka, I'm sorry, business. This son of a bitch Johnny wants to take my casino. Oh, I see you're ready to go on, but let's do it another time

Vladimir took his clothes and went to the shower, Jake got control of his body for a second, but then Vladimir entered and Svetlana again took control

- Although you know, let's wash together, and then let's go, you can then stay here until morning and sleep


- So far, dear, I don't know what's wrong with you today, but you exceeded all my expectations. I will come now only to you!

Svetlana came up and finally kissed Vladimir on the lips. She grabbed him tenderly by his place and whispered that she would always wait and that the door was always open for him.

As soon as the door slammed shut, the smile disappeared from Svetlana's face


- Fuck your mother! Your mother! This is terrible! Why is this happening to me? I need to wash it all off myself!

Jake went to the bath. He no longer paid attention to his new body and his new center of gravity. This night was the most vivid impression in his life and he did not want it to happen again, and even more so that someone knew it.

He entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror

- What the ... my face ... it's ... it's me! It can't be!

He saw that his own face was reflected in the mirror, but his body was completely different! He hit the mirror with his little fist and the mirror cracked a little.

His hand became very painful and he grabbed it with his other hand and began to blow.

Finally he went to the shower and washed everything off of himself. I had to get dressed. He looked for suitable clothes, but only found women's purple tights, short shorts, bra, panties and a blue top

- I won't wear it. Heck! I hate this accent

He also looked and found a set of men's clothing that Vladimir had left.

- Well, great for this body, but good

Jake took Vladimir's pants and wanted to put it on, but couldn't. When I started to put on my pants, I felt a terrible headache and it happened again and again. When He tried to put on panties, nothing happened.

At first he put on tricusies, short shorts and a blue top, but when he tried to leave the room, the headache repeated, he took a step down the corridor, but the pain only intensified until he returned to the room

- What the hell !? What should I wear all ?!

This was repeated until he put on the entire set. But I couldn't get out of the room. Finally, he saw a purse on the nightstand in front of the exit, which contained a set of cosmetics.


In the end, Jake even styled his hair and used lipstick. Only after that he was able to get out barely holding on to high heels and not falling. He didn't know where he was going, but he had to do something.


Jake walked slowly to the elevator car and pressed a button. He thought about what to do. The straps of a bra dug into his shoulders, which pressed tightly against his chest, making his chest bigger. This dice appeared in his hand again. He almost dropped from surprise, especially since his hands were very tired after that night

He lifted it closer and began to examine, the hair blocked his view and he straightened it. It was a dice from that attic game. Jake felt like an eternity had passed since that time. He waited for the elevator to rise and examined the die. He thought he would never throw that thing again, remembering what happened when he dropped it.

It was an awful awful night and it’s all wrong! Why is he in the body of some Russian whore and why did he do all this and why is his face here? Everything is so strange and incomprehensible

Suddenly the elevator door opened and a doorman appeared from the door

- Oh, it's you Sveta. You should have stayed the night. What, you wanted to go to your hostel?

- God, just shut up!

- How impolite

Jake entered the elevator and was about to press a button, but the doorman's strong hand stopped him.

- Not so quickly rude.

- What? Dude, just let me get out of here!

- Sveta. Have you forgotten? Actually, I give you permission to work here for a reason!

Jake tried to pull away, but he could not, he could barely hold on to his high heels, his tits fluttering with every movement. The doorman held it with just one hand, and Jake could do nothing. He was not used to being so weak. This guy is weak compared to him, but now he was much weaker than him. The doorman climbed to kiss and Jake hit him and did not notice how the dice fell out

- nooo

But it was too late. Dropped 3 and 6. Again the voice in my head

"Svetlana can change her profession. Stripper, secretary or not change."

- What?! What a profession

"The answer is not valid. Repeat. If there is no choice, the same work remains."

- Light, what are you carrying and why are you trying to escape ?!

The doorman has already unbuttoned his blouse

- Fuck. Secretary! Secretary


Jake instantly found himself in a different place and immediately fell down from behind his heels, but the one standing next to him helped him

- God, what the hell is this again !? And again!

He looked down and saw his hands, which were still the same small with red long painted marigolds. He was wearing a white blouse and a red pencil skirt that fitted tightly to his ass, which felt like a thong under his tights.


Jake looked around. The tight pencil skirt was so uncomfortable pressed against his ass that he immediately wanted to take it off. His long hair fell over his eyes and face and he swore to pull it behind his back.

Jake surveyed. It was a small office with a table with an old computer, a sofa next to it, and several paintings depicting nature hung on the walls. The study had two doors - one large and decorated, and the other small.

Jake thought that the most logical thing now is to sit at an empty seat. If somehow this magic changed him to secretary, then that was his place now.

He took a couple of steps and noticed that it was even more uncomfortable than before. His heels were much taller, and the long, tight-fitting pencil skirt made his steps even more difficult. Leaning on the table, he went to the workplace, but suddenly he felt a slap on the ass and a man's voice behind him said

- Svetlana do not substitute my ass, you know that I should not be provoked just like that

Jake turned abruptly and saw a man in a jacket walking out of a large door. Jake did not even notice during this time how the man entered and it was a shock for him

- Why you...

Jake stopped when he heard his own voice, and even more so with a Russian accent. This time he already began to understand the rules of the game.

Jake leaned back on the table and bit his lip and tasted the familiar lipstick. He looked down at his chest, which was still pressed by the bra and still was. He still had the same weak female body and became thoughtful. Suddenly he was interrupted by the voice of his boss

- Svetlana! Why can't you hear me !? I shouted to you several times

Jake wanted to spit in his face and hit him. But he couldn't do it. He just looked up and looked down at his boss.

- Oh, that look. Sweetheart, don't. Just make some coffee, I have an important guest.


- What? Coffee?

- Yes and please faster


Jake once again wanted to use force. He wanted to send everything and leave this office, but something stopped him. He sat down at his workplace. Only now did he notice that the furnishings were in the style of the 90s, everything here was not new.

He stood up again and grabbed his chest to make sure once again that it was all real.

- No. I have to wake up. It just can't be. This is some kind of terrible nonsense.

The door opened and a man entered the room. He looked at Svetlana, greeted in surprise and smiled. Jake immediately recognized him as Vladimir. He took a step back. Vladimir passed by and said nothing. It was the boss's visitor. Jake remembered the coffee and started looking for the coffee machine. Finally he saw her and went to make coffee.


- And I'm telling you that they want to take my casino away from me! Let me remind you that this is also in your interests Sam

- Yes, yes, Vladimir, I understand everything

The door opened and the men saw Svetalana appear in the room. She was gorgeous as always, but something was wrong with her behavior. She held two cups of coffee in her hands, although she had to take the tray. Her steps were uncertain, it seemed as if she was just learning to walk in heels and for her it was a very difficult task. She walked in their direction. Discontent was reflected on her face and there was no familiar smile as always

- Oh, here's the coffee. And we were just finishing discussing, you have been making coffee for a long time today

Svetlana grinned, but did not answer. She put down the mugs and walked towards the exit. She overheard their entire conversation and now knew about all the affairs of Vladimir with Sam, well, the process of making coffee took time

- Svetlana wait. You have something here

- What? What are you talking about?

- On the chest

 Svetlana stopped and felt her breasts, but found nothing, except that there were boobs

- You see? I'm talking about it! You chick! And if not for me you would be working as a whore! Please remember this more often and smile for God's sake!

Svetlana looked at them with fear and smiled, stretching two buttons on her blouse

- That's better


Jake sat at the secretary's desk and wondered why he did this. There was no dice here now, but for some reason he smiled implicitly and unbuttoned his blouse when Sam demanded. And now he was sitting in the same form. Two people came and he smiled at everyone. He saw how they looked at him in the open neckline, but nevertheless continued to smile and answer their questions.


Jake was in his new apartment, more precisely in the apartment of Svetlana's secretary, whose life he now for some reason lived. There were many different women's things and other things around.

He kicked off his heels as he entered with a relieved exhalation.

The day had passed very strangely, but Jake was glad that this stupid game didn't make him do something with his new boss. That night with Vladimir was enough for Jake, he remembered everything perfectly and it still remained the most humiliating in his life, like the whole day. He hoped that perhaps he would fall asleep and wake up again by himself

Jake looked around the apartment and saw a large mirror. It was not the first time that day he approached the mirror and was used to the fact that his own face was reflected there, but it was so disgusting that he tried not to look in the mirror

- I have to take it all off. This is all terribly inconvenient!

Jake whispered, not even noticing how soft and sexy his voice sounded.

There were more than just panties under the skirt. It was some kind of strap that didn't cover the ass at all. Jake touched his ass when he took off his skirt and did not immediately find the strings of his panties, which were in the ass and crushing. His stockings were attached to a red lace-up waistband, and his panties only covered his crotch.

When he undressed and remained in his underwear, he saw in the distance a mirror in which a chalky girl with a very delicate and small body was reflected. There was nothing of Jake's muscle here. He went to the mirror and for the first time in his life was frightened. He looked at himself and thought it might be forever. This thought first appeared in his head, but it was so real and frightening.



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