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- O bozhe moy! Bozhe! Za chto ?! Pochemu eto proiskhodit so mnoy ?! Chto ya sdelal ne tak! Prosti menya! Pozhaluysta! (Oh my god! God! Why ?! Why is this happening to me ?! What did I do wrong! Forgive me! Please!)

Looking desperately at the ceiling, Greg tried with the last bit of strength to change it. Changing it is awesome! This was all too much! he never believed in higher powers and in God, but judging by what was happening to him now, all this was real and only God could bring him back. Only a man's voice behind brought him back to harsh reality

- Svetochka. Something happened?

Smiling and gritting his teeth, Greg just shook his head and went on to the bath complex in the pool ...


Waking up a few days ago in this body, Greg was certainly shocked. But he immediately remembered his stupid phrase said in a dispute with a believing friend. "If God exists, then I'm a call girl in Russia."

And the apartment and his body and everything around indicated that he really ended up in Russia in the body of some girl named Svetlana. This was absolutely exactly after he checked the apartment and documents, having found a Russian passport and rubles instead of dollars, which were not so many as it soon became clear. Then he already guessed that he woke up not just in a woman's body in Russia, but that he had become exactly who he was talking about. Even his English was now terrible, he knew only a few words and phrases.

Attempts to find a reasonable explanation came to naught. All his friends and acquaintances on Facebook or on the phone did not recognize him, and all the more it was difficult for him to communicate with them. Everything was as he said and apparently God really existed and was very angry with Greg ... Considering the fact that he even had to accept Svetlana's work. He did it in spite of God, proving that he could, although it was somehow stupid ... But everything was strange and absurd in that situation. 



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