Fancy laptop (Patreon)
- Yes. I bought a laptop from your shop ...
- Yes, yes, I mean in that store you mentioned! Listen without interrupting me. This is all fucking weird! This laptop was with the program you were talking about and I launched it ....
- Yes, I know that this is fantastic, but how can I get everything back? This body is so strange and I have no idea where I am. My apartment has changed ...
- What? What do you mean it takes time to reboot ?! Are you kidding?!
- No ... no, nothing ... everything is fine, it just scares me ...
- No, I did not choose the profile of an Asian prostitute! I am not idiot! Besides, how did I know that this was all true! Actually ... I just chose the profile of a beautiful girl, okay ...
- Don't worry? What does it mean?..
- Fuck, there is someone here! What ... what is this man ?! Hey dude, don't touch this laptop! What ... what are you doing ?! Don't touch it! noteubug juseyo! jenjang, nan hangug-eoleul molla, wae naega .... ya! nal Mhmhmhmhmh (Give me the laptop! What the fuck, I don't know Korean, why me .... hey! Don't touch me!)