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Staring at the genie in front of him, Ben held the hem of his long dress with his new small hands after making sure that there was no hint of his male cock in his flat crotch at all. And he didn’t even want to check what was in the chest area, but judging by the weight that the big uncomfortable bra was barely holding back, it was not at all what he would like to see someday be part of his body, and it was really huge and heavy.

- What... what the fuck did you do to me!?

While saying this, Ben noticed the strangeness of the sound of his voice. Of course, it was not the usual bass, but something else confused him. The words that he spoke sounded somehow wrong ... somehow completely wrong, although he understood their meaning, but at that moment he still did not pay such attention to it

- I just fulfilled all your wishes.

- Are you kidding?! I didn't want to be a dumb chick! Especially as a fucking Muslim!

- What kind of rude words for a woman ... And ... Muslim ... I just turned you into the way I used to represent beautiful women ... the way they usually looked in my country ... Sorry if I misunderstood ... I should have clarified this ... But still, you are wrong, I believe that I interpreted your words correctly ... Oh, why is it always like this ... why are my masters always unhappy ... I just .. .

- Enough! Fuck... Okay... Just change me back! OK!? This is not fucking funny at all! What... what's wrong with you?! Why are you disappearing?! Hey!

- I'm afraid this is no longer possible ... Yes, I will soon completely disappear and leave you here ... Unfortunately, this is my fate ... But in the end, I will say that I nevertheless fulfilled all your wishes so that you do not hold a grudge against me . You wanted a great body and a beautiful woman in your house, and with the third wish, you only convinced me of the correctness of my interpretation, because your husband is a very rich sheikh

- What!??! Husband!? HEY! STOP! Damn, where did you disappear to!?

Ben unsuccessfully tried to catch the missing genie by grabbing air with his hands in the place where the genie had been standing for a couple of seconds. Everything has already been decided in his new destiny.




I am sure she will prove to be an extremely dutiful wife who will give her husband an heir for the sheikdom as well as a lot of other children.