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If you look at it from the side, it was quite funny to watch how a pregnant and attractive enough woman examines herself in surprise, stretching her long hair and peering into them, until she finally looked down and was shocked to see, as if for the first time, her boobs and her body grabbed first by her breasts, and then by her pregnant soft and at the same time dense belly

- Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! What the hell!?

A loud female voice resounded throughout the house, until finally there was silence, in which only endless loud female breathing and

Meanwhile, Louis was not laughing at all. He didn't expect it to be like this. A few minutes ago, he was in his apartment leafing through an old book that he found at his already deceased grandmother.

Scrolling slowly, page after page, Louis came across one inscription written in red marker, which distinguished this inscription by the fact that it was not written in print, but by hand: "DO NOT SAY THIS"

At first, Louis was restless, but then he chuckled at his fearfulness and belief in stupidity. It was now like a challenge to him that he had already accepted. Therefore, without much thought, Louis decided to say the words written on this page.

"Carambus majicus developer paraciplus," Louis said loudly and began to look around. "Hmm, what did I expect," the man said with a chuckle, hoping that no one filmed him with a hidden camera. And this thought made him even funnier, when suddenly everything around him went dark.

Louis was nowhere. Literally nowhere. He did not feel the body and did not see anything, only his mind remained with him.

Suddenly, he again began to see everything well, but realized that he was in a completely different place. A huge amount of new sensations immediately formed in his body. He didn't know what to focus on and stared at his new long hair in surprise. Literally in a second, Louis realized that his clothes had become somehow uncomfortable and tight, and lowering his head down in shock, he saw his new big boobs and at the same moment realized why his stomach seemed to him so inflated now. It was because of the pregnancy! It was obvious, though not possible.

- Sarah, what the hell?

In the silence of the house came the voice of a rude man from the next room, who had been sleeping at the moment when Louis was here in the body of the pregnant wife of the redneck Sarah.



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