Strange medieval woman (Patreon)
- Oh God, oh God, oh God! It can't be!
A frightened woman screamed in the middle of an empty street of a medieval city. Her eyes darted around the local houses and closed and opened again in fear. She was sitting on a stone paving stone, holding some unusual object in her hands. Modern people call it a cell phone.
Agatha - this woman who held an object unknown to this world, did not even realize the danger of not only such strange behavior if someone was nearby and saw her. There could be a lot more danger from this device - she could get witch status if anyone saw her now.
- It should work the other way around as well.
Finally, Agatha spoke softly. With gently trembling hands, she began to press something with her fingers on the cell phone, repeating the same movement. The inscription on the screen was the same every time: "Network access required" in red letters, which only upset Agatha more and with horror she looked down at her boobs in her cleavage, which now hung down in a strange way unusual for her under the force of gravity, she cried
Just a few minutes ago, Agatha was still a schoolboy named Stephen, who found this cell phone on his way home from school. Finding such an expensive and unusual cell phone seemed to Stephen just a godsend, and of course he did not tell his parents so that they would not return this cool phone to the owners. In addition, this phone did not have a password, and this only convinced Stephen to leave the find.
A program with a strange icon in the form of an exclamation mark and the caption "Reality Changes" interested Stephen almost immediately. And he, without thinking twice, opened a strange program. A window appeared on the screen with a lot of different words, tables and other complex information. Scrolling down, Stephen found a "fill in template" button. There were a lot of templates and all signed with just different numbers, so Steven clicked on the first random template. "Apply?" - popped up on the screen of the phone and after several warnings, which Stephen graciously missed, he finally pressed the "Start" button and in a moment he was already on the street.
Stephen realized almost immediately that something was different. First, looking up and looking around, he saw that he was in some old city. There was never any sign of the 21st century and modernity. His attention was distracted by strange sensations all over his body, so Stephen looked down only to experience even more shock.
Before his eyes was a large feminine cleavage in which large breasts were visible, the weight of which was instantly felt by Stephen, who had never experienced such sensations before. Instead of jeans and a T-shirt, he was wearing some sort of medieval women's clothing that matched his new body.
Of course, if this template were used by the real owner of this device - a woman from the secret service, then this would not have happened. Still, to get back from such a new reality, you had to use it with server hardware. But Steven had no idea, so now he's forever stuck as a medieval woman.