Boring bachelor party (Patreon)
"This is bad.... this is very very very bad... I need to somehow get the fuck out of this party..."
Randy thought while looking at his reflection in the mirror on the wall. It was unrealistic and true at the same time. A frightened, almost naked girl in a very short skirt looked at him. And behind him stood some large grey-skinned man. Judging by what Randy had already heard from this stranger in those few seconds, "his performance" was soon to come.
Randy understood perfectly well what "introduction" means, remembering his words earlier. But that was not at all what he wanted at the moment.
He was supposed to be there, among the other guys at the bachelor party for the wedding of one of his buddies, Ron. While drinking beer at the table, he noticed even then that the bachelor party was very boring. And it was not surprising, Ron was never a fan of noisy parties, unlike his friends. In general, Randy didn't really want to participate in this event, but actually ended up here due to the fact that he was dating Ron's sister and actually didn't like loud and funny parties either. Therefore, he understood Ron, but he was sad that Ron was suffering because of the reaction of his friends.
- Hey buddy, if it was in my power, I would make fun here
- Oh thank you. I understand your concern. But I think vryatli something will save this bachelor party
- Seriously? Maybe some hot slut stripper will break up this party?
Randy said jokingly, knowing perfectly well that this would not happen, but deciding to cheer Ron up a bit
- Are you kidding? I'm almost married... although... for my friends, it would probably be nice, especially if she gives each of them a blowjob, ahaha
The groom ironically continued the joke
- Then... Then look! *click
Snapping his fingers with a smile, Randy said, when he suddenly felt that his head began to itch and his whole body seemed to tingle with small needles in all places. Everything happened so quickly and swiftly that Randy did not even notice how he was already in another room already in this body and in these clothes, feeling the touch of long hair and the thong tightly pressed under a short skirt at the same time as a new strange weight in the chest area.
Felt, forgetting for a second, Randy a slap on the ass from that black man and realizing that with this movement he was in front of a crowd of his friends, hearing melodic music play and seeing a pole in front of him, which somehow ended up here now
- Your way out baby