Just business (Patreon)
- It seems to me that they sit there too long
Exhaling smoke from a cigarette almost directly at Monica, Marcus said looking at the car with the headlights on, in which two were sitting
- Dude! Do not do it anymore!
In a nasal, squeaky voice, the big-lipped chick grumbled with dissatisfaction, crossing her arms even more tightly, wrinkling her face so that it was now obvious even to Marcus that she was dissatisfied
- What the hell, baby? What kind of dissatisfied tone? It seemed to me that, on the contrary, you should be happy that such a rich uncle is interested in you.
Of course, Marcus was right that the interest in a person like Monica from an unknown rich man was to the benefit of Monica, who stood and watched as her pimp had been discussing something with this rich man for more than 10 minutes. But Marcus only saw one side of the coin. He, as one of the whores' guards, saw how Monica periodically went to this rich man for several weeks in a row.
However, Marcus did not know the truth. Monica was actually now inside the car in the back seat in the body of teenager Frank Gilligan - the son of Mike Gilligan, the CEO and owner of a huge holding company in the field of business technology. She listened to the dialogue between the crazy rich scientist and her ex-pimp, but did not go into detail. She was quite happy with the fact that she now had a man's body and much more money than before
Meanwhile, Frank himself helplessly watched as the man who exchanged his bodies with this big-lipped whore was still sitting in a car and discussing something with a stranger in a bright pimp outfit. He still couldn't believe that everything he felt and saw was really true. Frank was sure it was a disguise or some other trick.
For Frank, all this still seemed like some kind of big prank, which, in his opinion, began a few hours ago and somehow dragged on too long and was too realistic. He just had to wait for these people to talk, because he and that second Frank were threatened with a pistol
It all started when he received a gift from his girlfriend, which only contained a blindfold. Intrigued, he agreed to put on the blindfold and, holding his girlfriend’s hand, left the house and, with a smile and various jokes, got into the car with her. Without smelling the sleeping gas, Frank fell asleep and woke up already sitting in this very car that he was now looking at, in the back seat, already in Monica’s body. He was still wearing a blindfold at that moment. Moreover, Frank did not even notice that he was sleeping and went through the body exchange procedure. For him, it was still as if the very evening was going on when he got into the car with his girlfriend...
Yes, Frank still thought it was just a prank or a cross-dressing kidnapping from some pervert or similar. Although he saw himself, or rather his former body in which Monica was, on the seat in this car after he took off the blindfold, he was nevertheless sure that this was also some kind of similar person or makeup. Frank hasn't looked in the mirror yet and so far he just noticed that he was wearing some stupid women's outfits.
Everything was too fast. As soon as he took off the blindfold, he was surprised to find two strangers - one sitting next to him, completely similar to himself, and the second behind the driver's seat - an old man in an expensive suit, who also had a gun pointed at Frank and the second man , similar to Frank. They threatened him with a pistol and explained only that he “shouldn’t make any noise when he goes outside.”
And literally a few moments later, another man in a bright pimp outfit got into the car, smiling strangely at Frank, who at that moment was awkwardly getting out of the car, trying not to fall on the high-heeled shoes that suddenly appeared on his foot. In general, at that moment Frank did not yet understand, because of Monica’s small, almost flat chest, that he had swapped bodies with her.
It seemed to him that he had simply been re-dressed somehow. Even the intonation of the voice and timbre did not bother him much; he explained it to himself then that this was apparently also part of the plan, like the long hair wig. Only a little sensation from the seemingly swollen lips embarrassed Frank a little
- Yes... yes, boss
The guy smoking a cigarette next to him ran to the car and sat in the back seat, while Frank was still standing and waiting for the continuation of this performance.
"So...what now?" (Frank thought to himself) “What the hell is going on here!? Hey... what are you doing? You... you... where did you go?”
In the same unusually nasal and too squeaky voice, Frank said, or rather shouted, to the driving away car, which left him here alone in this unfamiliar place in these strange clothes...
- Crap! Freaks!
Frank shouted, cursing and shouting after the car leaving, noticing how the hair from his wig was interfering with his view.
- To hell with this! AAAYYY! Fuck! Hurt! What the?!
Trying to take off his wig, Frank screamed, feeling unexpected pain when he tried to pull out his long hair, standing in the dark and hearing only his own squeaky-nasal voice...
The evening was very difficult for Frank, if not the most difficult in his life. It was difficult to realize that everything that seemed impossible to him was reality and truth. Starting with the long hair of the wig, it seemed to him that everything was getting worse and worse.
Now, sitting in a small room in a cheap roadside motel that Frank could barely find, feeling his heart beating, he remembered everything that could help him understand the situation. But again and again he came to the conclusion that he did not understand anything.
The gaze directed at the small mirror in the room still reflected the gaze of a previously unfamiliar girl, who, with a sad expression on her face and huge lips of incredible size, looked at Frank in the reflection, repeating his every action and movement. He had already seen it a few minutes ago in the documents that he found in his purse along with several dollars with which he rented this number.
Judging by the documents, in the reflection he saw a girl named Monica Brown, a 25-year-old unmarried woman from Texas. Her purse also contained a lot of different cosmetics, tampons and a huge pile of condoms stuffed into different pockets of the bag.
He himself did not like the appearance of this woman and he was not surprised why the woman giving him the keys to the room looked at him so strangely and why she asked something about work at night
Although he didn't want to admit it, it all boiled down to the fact that this woman was a prostitute and that he was now in her body. It was especially difficult to argue with this, knowing what he now had between his legs and what form he was in.
He had already tried to call his father and friends, but could not reach them for a simple reason - he did not know their phone number, and in the phone that Frank now had, some strange contacts were recorded ala “big daddy” and “ the best dick in the northwest,” and no one answered the phone numbers he found on the Internet.
The plan was simple - he needed to survive the night and return to his home the next day, but there was little hope for him to believe, and every time he looked at his reflection or legs sticking out from under a short skirt, Frank became more and more worried on this occasion.
- So, your name is Monica?
- Um... yes
Monica was still not used to her name and hated her nasal, squeaky voice. She tried to use words less often, but still understood that she somehow needed to adapt to her new life and understood that she would have to use words to somehow communicate with people.
It seemed to Monica that an eternity had already passed since that ill-fated evening, although in fact only two weeks had passed. There was so much... She could hardly believe that this was her life now - without money, practically at the very bottom. Now she did not have the influence of Frank's father and his money. She even lost her masculinity almost completely, especially considering her sexy appearance and doll-like face now
New Frank and his new friends explained to Monica that he gave her a gift when they talked to her pimp and now she is free. But if she even starts trying to tell someone what she believes to be true, she will only make things worse.
But she managed to talk to Frank's father once, for almost a full minute. She spoke in a hurry at that moment, catching him and regretting that she could not find some other clothes then, wearing the same short skirt, top and high heels at that moment. Her voice then confusedly tried to explain that she was the son of this man and of course, obviously soon the guards removed her.
Hungry, sleep-deprived and tired, Monica, wandering around the city in search of help after this incident, met her first client. A man passing by, attracted by the appearance of a stranger, offered her $1 to jerk him off and $5 to give him a blowjob. Monica was already thinking about telling this man to hell, but then she remembered that the hot dog was just the price of 1 dollar and, overcoming the humiliation, agreed to it.
Later, while devouring a hot dog with her big lips, she thought with horror that now she had 6 bucks for which she did something that she would never have done before and that before she didn’t even consider it money.