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When Tony first woke up and felt the strange weight of his new breasts for the first time in his life, he was surprised. He didn't think that the agents were serious about him getting a woman's body. It all depended on chance, namely who would be a suitable body donor.

Chelsea turned out to be the most suitable. While Tony's real body was in the cryochamber, his brain was successfully transferred into Chelsea's body so that he could continue to function and live.

And this was a big blow for Tony, who had not planned his life at all after he told the police all the secrets of the mafia. He thought that, as had happened before, they would send him to another country and create a new identity for him. But it turned out that everything was wrong!

Tony resisted, but the reverse exchange procedure was expensive, and besides, Tony had a signed contract. He had to accept the fact that he was now a girl named Chelsea Wyorker - a waitress from a small town.

Not only did Tony get a weaker body than he had before and was a woman. He now even had to accept Chelsea's life, which was not at all what he wanted for himself. However, he could not attract too much attention, so the guys from the witness protection department “helped” him.

It was hard to call it help, as Tony thought. Mostly they forced him and explained that he had no choice but to learn how to do makeup, wear this humiliating uniform and work as a waitress. At least for the first few months. But everything was complicated by the fact that Chelsea's boyfriend was soon to be released from prison...

But even this Tony could still endure. What frightened him most was the fact that all his illegal savings were in Europe and in order to get this money he needed his fingerprints, and in this body it was difficult.



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