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This... this is just complete bullshit. I used BodyPort services for the first time in my life because it was very important for me to get an interview in another part of the country. The only one who approached at that moment was this girl. And I agreed, after all I thought I would only be there for a few hours.

But the interview was postponed to the next day. The most profitable thing was to stay for one more day in the body of this stranger, and then return back. She didn’t mind and we told each other remotely over the phone about where we live.

When I arrived at her house to spend the night, her parents met me there

- Katherine Eleanor Smith, why did you arrive so late? Where have you been? God, why didn't you answer your calls?

To all my answers that I was not really Katherine, her parents answered me that I was lying and did not believe me. And Katherine turned out to be less than 18. She deceived the agency somehow. I wanted to show documents that I was not really their daughter and prove it, but I remembered that I forgot the documents at the agency! They didn't let me in and said, "You're punished, young lady! You won't fool us a fifth time," locking me in the room. For the fifth time!? So I wasn’t the first and Katherine had done this before.

And the next day I had to go to school. Her parents really had complete control over me. They brought me and watched me walk, and after finishing classes they took me away. I had to study like this for almost a week!

Studying turned out to be a separate hell. I forgot how angry schoolchildren can be. Although it was more likely that Katherine had a bad reputation here, it didn't make it any easier for me. Despite the fact that inside I was an adult 30-year-old man, it was still terribly unpleasant for me to realize that they were treating me like that. Or it was the new female hormones, but it was still very difficult for me. I wanted to quickly return to my normal life!

I managed to escape from this horror only after a week and I immediately ran to Transfer. But when I came and asked for my documents, which I forgot here on the first day, they told me that they did not have these documents. I asked for a background check, but they asked me for my documents, and I only had Katherine's documents with me.

Having seen these documents, the employee said that I could come when I turned 18 and only then would I be able to use their service! I finally managed to convince the employee that I was not Katherine and this was a mistake. But after the inspection, the employee only became angry. He told me

- You won't deceive the system anymore! I checked you young lady, you came to us with false documents and made money from us. Your last exchange greatly upset our client! You're lucky he didn't file a police report against you!

It turned out that Katherine had not been idle this week. Already on the first day she found out that she had this chance and that she would stay in my body for more than a few hours, she began to act. I don’t know how, but in the “BodyPort” system my exchange was completed according to the contract in those very first hours. And I didn’t stay any longer using the “BodyPort” system. That is, according to their system, it was as if the real Catherine actually returned home that evening, and not me in her body!

And when I called her now and told her all this, she laughed and no longer answered my calls.



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