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Toby's heart was pounding like crazy as he walked up to Carl in McDonald's. He couldn't believe his luck—there was Carl, just sipping on a soda and messing around on his phone.

"Finally, thank God," Toby said to himself, relieved to have found someone to share this crazy story with. But then, in his rush to get to Carl, Toby's high heel got stuck on a messed-up tile, and he almost fell flat on his face.

"Freaking hell," Toby cursed, trying not to make a scene. But it was too late. Now, Carl was looking at him like he'd seen a ghost or something. Panicking, Toby waved his arms like a maniac, hoping Carl would recognize him.

"Oh no, he doesn't know who the heck I am. How could I mess this up so bad?" Toby thought, feeling super embarrassed.

"Need help, miss?" Carl asked, reaching out to help the lady in high heels who looked like she was about to lose it.

Toby winced at being called "miss." "Dude, it's me, Toby. I'm the one who texted you," he said, hoping for some kind of lightbulb moment.

Finally, Carl got it. "Oh dang, I remember you. You're my buddy's secretary. Uhhh, Olga, right?"

They found a spot to sit, Toby grumbling as he walked, wobbling on the weird heels. "No dude, that's the thing," Toby spilled. "It's me, Toby. Olga somehow switched our bodies, kicked me out on the street, and even fired me from my own job! I don't even know where she lives or what to do. Your number is the only one I know by heart."

Carl gave Toby, now in a totally unexpected lady form, a look that said, "you are out of your mind." Toby sighed, getting ready for the big reveal. "Look, check these out," he said, pulling down Olga's dress and showing off her boobs. "See? Would a woman this hot flash you? I don't think so. Now come on, help me up! I've got a lot of messed-up stuff to tell you."



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