Closed door (Patreon)
Ben sat down in front of his apartment, his heart pounding as the situation became reality. While taking out the garbage, the door somehow locked behind him, leaving him stuck outside…in the body of a random girl.
A few weeks ago, Ben stumbled upon the legendary Medallion of Zulu along a sidewalk. He confirmed what he had found online and formulated a plan for how to safely use it to fulfill some of his fantasies. Buying used women's clothing on eBay, he was elated when the first packages started to arrive. Putting on the clothes along with the medallion, he transformed into perfect copies of the women who last wore them. He set aside those he liked, tossed those he didn't, and ultimately found one girl he particularly enjoyed being - a young, petite brunette. He bought the rest of the clothes she was selling and soon had a nice little wardrobe for his copied form. He began spending every moment he could in her flesh, always making sure to hide the medallion in his bedroom for safe keeping when not actively transforming.
The medallion was indeed safe inside...but Ben was locked out with no phone, no keys, and no ID for this body. He checked each of the windows, but all were locked securely. He checked all around the door, windowsills, and under every mat and nearby rocks in case the previous tenants hid a key, but it was to no avail.
Now here he sat, in his favorite female body, wearing one of her dresses, wearing a set of her lingerie beneath…unable to get inside to switch back. Finally, in desperation, he picked up a rock and threw it at one of the windows, hoping to shatter it so that he could climb inside...but his weak throw only caused it to bounce off harmlessly. It did, however, attract the attention of one of his neighbors. "Hey! What do you think you're doing! I'm calling the police!" the neighbor shouted.
"No! Please! Wait!" Ben called out while the neighbor stood on the porch dialing the police on his cell phone. "I'm...Ben's girlfriend! He's out of town and I locked myself out of his place! Please!"
The neighbor had the number punched in, but did not hit dial. He looked skeptical Ben up and down with a raised eyebrow. "Judging by your appearance, you don't really look like his girlfriend... But I'll tell you come into my place and do me a...big favor, and I'll overlook this."
Ben swallowed hard as a chill went through his body. He hated the thouaht...but what other choice did he have?