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Hello! This time, work was focused on improving the Dream Dust and sleep mechanic, as well as figuring out answers to some hard questions. I am pretty happy with the sleeping animation/sound, and ~70% done with the Dream Dust item's look and feel.

Soon, we'll be at the fun part where I can start working on expanding the nightmare! At the very least I want to add a new attack to the big guy. I also have some ideas for making the Fox quest more fun, including opening up the trapdoor area. Let me know if you have any sick ideas!

- How do we know what part of a monster is its head, so we can animate snoring?
Ragdoll parts each have a name, and when we get lucky a monster will have a part named 'Head'. Unfortunately, that is only the case about 50% of the time. The rest of the time, we are just selecting the highest up body part at the time of sleeping, which results in some pretty funny sleeping animations.

- How do we stop a monster from walking, temporarily, when sleeping?
For now, we are manually checking for the components that usually animate creatures (Walker.cs, BetterWalker.cs, PuppetWalker.cs, etc) and disabling them. In the future, a much better idea is to add an interface to any class that animates, called IAnimateMonster and give it functions like 'SetSleeping(bool)' or something like that.

- Which monsters should be able to sleep?
Crates and trees should probably not be able to sleep, but how do we efficiently determine this? We could just keep a list of non-sleepers, but that means I'd need to update it every time we add a new monster, not to mention monsters added by mods. For now, my best attempt has been to simply exclude monsters that lack rigidbodies (i.e. trees, gravestones, and boards).

- When you return from a monster's dream, shouldn't it still be sleeping there?
Yes, probably. I'm not sure yet. We do not currently save monsters/items on the ground when changing scenes. That'd be a bit extra difficult.

- How do you handle save states for dreams within dreams?
I'll have to work on the saving system if we get this far. Juice grant me strength.




panoh 123

i dont know if its possible but it would be cool to see the automobile monster come back in the trapdoor area just have a alot of them protecting a page of the quest

Ninja JayBird

This is really cool! A bit sad about the bed no longer having any functionality, but maybe it can have a use again in the future? Now I'm curious, how is this going to work for bosses? I feel like it would be cheating cause you can make them go to sleep, do damage to them, and each time they wake up, you can make them go back to sleep again. I'm thinking either the weapon has a cool down, the bosses are immune, it takes a lot longer to get them to sleep, or you can't do damage to them while they're sleeping. Also I don't really see anything wrong with specifying which monster is immune or not. Maybe it can be stored in a json file in the stuff folder, so people can modify it if they're making their own monsters.

panoh 123

hopefully the dream duster doesnt work on bosses otherwise its gonna be op


Well, Fox still sleeps on the bed and the Dream Dust will spawn on it after that, at least. The amount of dream dust required will scale with max health, so it should be harder or impossible to make bosses go to sleep. I'm leaning towards impossible for now, since they have even more weird logic to enable/disable when toggling sleep haha The json file is a good idea, ty-- maybe I can make that an option since monsters will already be represented by json files.


Ooh that is not a bad idea, I'll keep it in mind. If not, maybe I can just reinstate automobiles as enemies soon. I had nearly forgotten about them.


Excellent! Dream Eater's my favorite boss, so it's really exciting to hear how they'll be expanded upon. If you plan on adding new attacks, perhaps you could give them a Dream-Dust one. Not to make the player fall asleep, but maybe to vanish in a cloud of dust and reappear elsewhere, or surround the player so it's harder to see where they're approaching from. Really tie in the item's visual to the boss itself.

Ninja JayBird

Ahh gotcha. Makes sense. I'm assuming The Clog will be immune to this? Or should he even be immune? I mean, he would be breathing it in, so I feel like it would still effect him since it would be from the inside of his body, not on his body like the plunger. Imagine seeing The Clog sleeping and snoring lol.


He is a dream eater after all ^^ thanks for the input, you've given me a sick idea.


Sorry didn't catch this reply. I'd love to make it possible lol, that would be hilarious. I think it could affect him, but it'd be like given children's tylenol to a whale.

Ninja JayBird

It's a good thing The Clog didn't hear you calling him that lol. Poor guy just needs to lose some weight. I know what you mean though. It wouldn't really help in the fight, but it would be a pretty fun Easter egg or something.