Dream Dust Pt. 2 (Patreon)
Hello! This time, work was focused on improving the Dream Dust and sleep mechanic, as well as figuring out answers to some hard questions. I am pretty happy with the sleeping animation/sound, and ~70% done with the Dream Dust item's look and feel.
Soon, we'll be at the fun part where I can start working on expanding the nightmare! At the very least I want to add a new attack to the big guy. I also have some ideas for making the Fox quest more fun, including opening up the trapdoor area. Let me know if you have any sick ideas!
- How do we know what part of a monster is its head, so we can animate snoring?
Ragdoll parts each have a name, and when we get lucky a monster will have a part named 'Head'. Unfortunately, that is only the case about 50% of the time. The rest of the time, we are just selecting the highest up body part at the time of sleeping, which results in some pretty funny sleeping animations.
- How do we stop a monster from walking, temporarily, when sleeping?
For now, we are manually checking for the components that usually animate creatures (Walker.cs, BetterWalker.cs, PuppetWalker.cs, etc) and disabling them. In the future, a much better idea is to add an interface to any class that animates, called IAnimateMonster and give it functions like 'SetSleeping(bool)' or something like that.
- Which monsters should be able to sleep?
Crates and trees should probably not be able to sleep, but how do we efficiently determine this? We could just keep a list of non-sleepers, but that means I'd need to update it every time we add a new monster, not to mention monsters added by mods. For now, my best attempt has been to simply exclude monsters that lack rigidbodies (i.e. trees, gravestones, and boards).
- When you return from a monster's dream, shouldn't it still be sleeping there?
Yes, probably. I'm not sure yet. We do not currently save monsters/items on the ground when changing scenes. That'd be a bit extra difficult.
- How do you handle save states for dreams within dreams?
I'll have to work on the saving system if we get this far. Juice grant me strength.