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Dear Friends,

Today, my darling, sweet dog, Nala, passed away from an undiagnosed brain tumor that suddenly reared its head.  And...no matter how much we were willing to spend to keep her with us, it progressed too quickly to fight.  We tried - we really did.  We were willing to do anything, spend anything, to help cure her, but it just...wasn't meant to be.

She was 12 years old, and she lived a good life (at least, I think she did...).  She didn't suffer, and she was surrounded by her family when she left us.

She was more loved than I can put into words, and I miss her...so much.

I try to keep my personal life from becoming an issue that you guys have to worry about, but I don't think I can write or post anything at the moment.  I don't even want to try.  It's all just...blank.

I hope that in a couple of weeks, I'll feel ready to get going again.  

I'm really sorry.



Very sorry for your loss. Hope whatever time it takes eases the pain.


Miko, you don’t have to be sorry. This is a hard time for you, and as your fans we’re all here to support you, especially during hard times such as this. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure Nala lived a happy life and was full of love everyday by you and your family. Please, if you need anything, just let me know and I’ll do my best. My condolences and best wishes to you and your family ❤️


Oh man that's rough :( I'm so sorry you're having to go through that kind of pain. I had to go through the same ordeal with my ol' girl Sally. My heart hurts for you and you should take all the time necessary to recover and get back on your feet. Take care and stay strong.


Please don't apologize. It's such a painful experience to go through, losing a pet, and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. We love and support you. Please, take care of yourself and take your time!


Mikoooo qwq I'm so sorry.


Take the time you need, your well being is much more important than your stories! I’ll be praying for you and your family. Hang in there love <3

Shyguy the Masquerage

It's never easy when a loved one passes. Take as much time as you need to.


I believe to be loved by family is the best kind of life for a dog, and your dog was loved by your family, you are both fortunate to have the time to spend with each other. I can understand what you are feeling, when my first dog passed away, I spent an afternoon listening to a song on repeat and wanting to do nothing else. Please give yourself time to grief the loss of a loving family member and may you soon find solace.

Rita Francis

I’m so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts. Take as much time as you need, there’s no need to apologize to us at all. I’m sure Nala knew how loved she was.


As everyone has already said, please don't apologize. Everyone deserves their time to grieve, so please take however long you need. Take care and we'll be here for when you're ready! :)


I’m so sorry for your loss. Take as much time as you need to grieve. I’m sure Nala enjoyed their life with you and your family and is now in peace. Hopefully the memories with Nala will give you and your family strength through this hard time. You have my deepest sympathies.


My condolences as well. I wish I could say something more supportive, but I've never been the best at that.


I want to say it's all right... That you wouldn't apologize or that you should take whatever time you need or that I'm sorry for your loss... All of that is absolutely true but none of it can really help make things better in times as dark as this. But still - I'd like to give you a virtual hug. It might not be any better than the rest but hugs have always helped me. I hope those who are currently with you give you plenty of hugs as well. *Gives hug* I hope you feel better soon.

Pat VanDusen

So sorry to hear about your dear pup! It sounds like she was well loved, and a close family member. I’m sure knew she was loved by you and your family.


Take any time you need, it's hard losing a pet, especially so suddenly


Sorry for your loss Miko


Condolences for your loss. Please, take as much time as you need for the much needed break, as you have just dealt with losing someone so dear to you.


There is absolutely no need to apologize. It's so hard losing a loved one. You and your family have my condolences. Please take as long as you need.