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Mature scenes warning - continue reading only if you're 18+ and comfortable with that type of content. 


She owed Winter a huge thank you.  More than a huge thank you - she owed her sister all of the gratitude imaginable and then some.  Not only for this moment, but for everything.  For being there when she needed help and support.  For remaining in Atlas even though their father took away every reason to stay.  For being the only real family Weiss ever had.

Now she understood better than ever why Ruby went through such great lengths for her sister.  If Weiss ever became queen, she was appointing her own sister to the highest, most powerful post available.  She was returning all of the titles and rights stripped from her.  And, as much as they were both uncomfortable with casual displays of affection, she would give Winter another big hug. 

But first, she had to tell Ruby.

By the time she made it back to her room, her excitement and anticipation threatened to spill over.  Still, she briefly considered faking a somber aura and stony expression while delivering the news - a bit of farce that disappeared the instant she walked into her living quarters and saw Ruby.

Their eyes immediately locked, Ruby stood from her seat on the sofa, and Weiss knew she couldn’t keep this to herself for a second longer.  Not when silver eyes gave her one of the most hopeful, cautiously optimistic looks she’d ever received.

After what had been several of the most stressful, nerve-wracking days of their lives, they finally had an answer.

“He agreed.” 

In two words, the anxiety and worry of the past few days melted away.  But Ruby hardly had time to sigh before Weiss was in her arms for a hug - the two of them holding each other as if this might be the last embrace they ever shared.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.  This was the first hug they could share without the threat of being torn apart looming over their heads.  This was the first hug they could share knowing that they could be with each other, with no one standing in their way.

With the problem of succession solved, Weiss felt freer than she ever had.  There would be plenty of responsibilities to come, but the uncertainty was gone.  No more wondering what would happen.  No more worrying what her life would look like.  She knew what her life would look like, and she knew that she could be with Ruby.

“Did he really?”  Still holding Weiss’ shoulders, Ruby pulled away and looked to Weiss for reassurance - reassurance that Weiss was more than willing to give.

“He did.”  Though still in a state of disbelief herself, her smile grew with Ruby’s.  “He’s already packing, and he’s excited to ‘fix everything about Vacuo.’”

Whitley was cunning, but he was also just as pompous and arrogant as their father.  When presented with the opportunity to become something more than a king - the opportunity to become an emperor - he jumped on it.  

Surprisingly, the thought of leaving Atlas had never occurred to him before.  Once Winter broached the subject, and Weiss pledged that he would always have a home in Atlas if he failed - not that he would ever fail - she’d watched the hunger and ambition grow in his eyes.

He’d always believed that he was destined for greatness.  Now, he had the perfect opportunity to prove it.

Whether or not he was successful was of little concern to Weiss, as shipping him across the globe had cleared the biggest obstacle from her path to keeping Ruby by her side.  It also left Atlas’ throne free for her to take, but that seemed like a trivial win compared to the young woman standing in front of her. 

“That’s it then?” Ruby asked.  “You’ll be queen?” 

“Yes.  And...you’ll be my queen?” 

“You ask like I have a choice,” Ruby replied with a laugh, only to fall silent when she saw Weiss’ serious expression.  

“You do.” 

“I kind of don’t.” 

“You do now.”  With her heart beating loudly, Weiss intertwined her fingers with Ruby’s and gave a hesitant smile.  What she was about to say scared her more than she could ever admit, but she knew she couldn’t live with herself if she didn’t give Ruby the choice.  

“Once Whitley leaves…” she began slowly, never shying away from Ruby’s gaze.  “There will be no challenge for the throne.  I’ll only ask that you stay until it’s official, but after my father passes and the coronation is complete...you can leave.” 

Even though Ruby looked taken aback by the offer, Weiss felt more and more assured about presenting it.  Once Atlas was secured, she could absolve Vale of any debts.  Their kingdoms could become partners - they could help one another.  

“You can go home,” she added with a fleeting smile.  It broke her heart to think about Ruby leaving but, at the same time, she was incredibly happy to give Ruby the choice, once and for all.  If she missed her family...if she missed Vale...she could return to them.  Selfishly, that wasn’t the outcome Weiss wanted, but she would honor whatever decision Ruby made.

First, Ruby needed to come up with a response, as she opened her mouth only to close it and shake her head.  Emotions swam through her silver eyes, but Weiss could hardly put a name to them before Ruby squeezed her hands and took a step closer.

“What if I don’t want to leave?  What if I want to stay here - with you?”

At this moment, Ruby couldn’t have said anything to make Weiss happier.  

“Then...I’d like to make you my queen -” 

“I accept.” 

“And not just in name only,” Weiss added with a growing smile.  “In every meaning of the word - I want you by my side, helping with every decision, helping fix Atlas.  Because...I love you...so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

That wasn’t exactly what she’d planned on saying right now, but Ruby’s smile assured her that the words were well received.  More than well received, as Ruby stepped even closer and brushed her fingers along Weiss’ cheek.

“I love you too,” she said softly.  “And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

As far as Weiss was concerned, there was nothing better than hearing Ruby say those words.  The moment Ruby leaned forward and kissed her, however, she realized that she had to take that back.  If there was anything better than hearing how much Ruby loved her, it was feeling it.

Feeling the smile on Ruby’s lips, and feeling the happiness in her heart, she knew that this was the moment they’d waited for.  The moment when nothing hung over their heads, no secrets remained between them, and nothing was holding them back.

She felt the change as soon as the kiss deepened and goosebumps rose along her arms.  Only a few seconds in and her heart was racing with excitement - excitement that only grew when Ruby’s hands landed on her hips and gently pulled them together.  That was all the prompting she needed to run her hands through Ruby’s hair, then down her neck, before pulling her even closer.

Even when her lips parted and Ruby’s tongue slid into her mouth, even when Ruby’s fingers teasingly slipped under the hem of her shirt and ran along her stomach, she needed more from this moment.  More kisses, more touching, more Ruby.  

The hunger she’d tamed all this time threatened to break free, and she didn’t know why it shouldn’t.  Ruby loved her...she loved Ruby...and they could finally be together.

“Ruby -” she got out between kisses, her voice breathless as she slid her hands down Ruby’s chest and heard a soft gasp leave Ruby’s lips.  The sound prompted her to repeat the motion, feeling the suppleness of Ruby’s breasts in her hands while Ruby let out soft sighs of pleasure.

Not one to be outdone, Ruby leaned down and pressed her lips to Weiss’ neck in a kiss that sent desire pouring through her veins.

That.  She needed more of that.

“I love you,” she whispered, if only to hear the words out loud while Ruby’s kisses sent sparks of lust flying everywhere.  “I love you,” she whispered again, only for a small moan to slip out when Ruby lightly bit down on her neck and sucked in hard.

“Ruby...”  She was squirming now, as her hunger grew unchecked and Ruby’s lips threatened to drive her over the edge.  She needed more - she wanted more - and she had to make sure Ruby understood that now wasn’t the time to stop.  

“Ruby…” she got out before another soft moan slipped through her lips.  It was growing harder to think clearly, but she had to make sure Ruby knew.  “Ruby - I want you.”

Ruby immediately stopped and pulled away, but the look in her eyes was one of greed, desire, and longing.


When Weiss wasted no time nodding, Ruby wasted no time recapturing Weiss’ lips for a kiss.  But now they had a destination in mind, as Ruby gently directed Weiss towards the bedroom while Weiss felt as much of Ruby as possible.  

Knowing that the wait was over, her hands took advantage of their newfound freedom.  By the time they made it to the doorway, she was pulling Ruby’s shirt over Ruby’s head and dropping it on the floor.  Ruby responded by quickly undoing the buttons on Weiss’ pants, which filled her with such a searing desire that she decided to help by removing her own shirt and tossing it aside.

By the time her back touched the bed and Ruby climbed on top of her, they’d lost everything but their underwear.  It was only then that their kiss ended, and only so that they could drink in every bit of skin now bared.  

“God, you’re beautiful...” Ruby whispered, the hunger visible in her eyes as she ran her hand from Weiss’ chest, down her stomach, and finally across her thigh.  Weiss arched into the touch, craving more yet knowing that Ruby would give her exactly what she wanted soon enough.

Still, she was impatient - even more so when Ruby slowly reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra.  As soon as the undergarment fell free, Ruby sat back on her heels as a soft whine slipped through her lips.


Hearing her name shook Ruby out of her trance, and she briefly met Weiss’ gaze before leaning down and kissing the spot just above Weiss’ heart.  The touch unleashed the remainder of Weiss’ desires, and she held Ruby’s head to her when Ruby moved lower and kissed her breast.  

Another soft moan slipped out while Ruby licked and sucked and kissed every inch of skin that had once been covered by fabric.  Her other hand, meanwhile, kneaded and lightly pinched on the other side, filling Weiss with so much lust that the heat between her legs grew nearly unbearable.

Ruby must have sensed it, because she left Weiss’ breasts behind in favor of kissing down her stomach, sending her desire rocketing to as-yet-unexperienced levels.  The only thing she could think about was Ruby’s lips on her skin, while her mind buzzed with anticipation of wherever Ruby went next.

Lower.  Weiss only wanted Ruby to go lower, and silently begged as much by spreading her legs and lifting her hips when Ruby kissed just below her belly button.  Just feeling Ruby’s breath so close to where she needed attention was nearly enough to drive her insane, as her breathing hitched with each exhale and sighed with each pause.

“Weiss…” Ruby whispered, drawing Weiss’ eyes down to her.  “If you’re sure…”

“Please, Ruby…”  Lifting her hips again, as if that should be more than enough of an answer, Weiss sighed and put her thoughts into words.  “I really, really want you.”

Fortunately, that was all the permission Ruby needed, as she smiled before looping her fingers underneath Weiss’ underwear and pulling them free.  After dropping them by the side of the bed, Ruby stared in a way that made Weiss vaguely self-conscious.  That feeling disappeared, however, when Ruby met her gaze with a lust-filled one of her own, before scooting further down on the bed and wrapping her arms around Weiss’ legs.

The anticipation alone was enough to make Weiss even wetter, and she was far too turned on to feel any sort of embarrassment when Ruby pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh.  The light touch nearly made her moan, and that feeling only grew when the next kiss traveled higher - closer to where she desperately wanted Ruby to be.

“Ruby…” she whispered, reaching down and running her fingers through Ruby’s hair while Ruby moved even closer.  Her arousal was racing off the charts now - her heart beating wildly - her mind a mess of anticipation and hunger.

The moment Ruby pressed a kiss right between her legs, a moan slipped through her lips, only to be followed by a gasp of pleasure when Ruby’s tongue immediately followed.  

That was a feeling she instantly wanted more of - thankfully, Ruby seemed more than happy to oblige. 

But Ruby started slowly, sliding her tongue over Weiss’ clit at such a leisurely pace that Weiss’ toes curled with desire.  She looked up at Weiss while she moved at that painstaking pace - catching Weiss’ gaze for just a second before closing her eyes and tracing her tongue around Weiss’ entrance.

Weiss was already breathless - her chest rising and falling with each gasp of air she took - and feeling Ruby’s tongue slide inside of her sent her back arching off the bed in bliss. 

She needed more, so much more, and she knew that Ruby would give her all she needed.  She felt it in the way Ruby’s actions grew bolder and more determined - as if she knew exactly how turned on Weiss was, and exactly how close she was to unraveling.

She couldn’t help it.  The pleasure building between her legs responded to each touch of Ruby’s tongue, and her moans grew more frequent while her body experienced nothing but pleasure upon pleasure upon pleasure.  

When Ruby turned her full attention to Weiss’ clit, that bliss amplified threefold.

“God, Ruby…” she gasped before another moan slipped out.  It felt so good - everything felt so good - and she knew it wouldn’t be long before Ruby sent her careening right over the edge.  “Right there...” she mumbled under her breath, using her hands to do the real talking as she held Ruby’s head between her legs and felt her hips start moving on their own.

“Oh god...” she moaned repeatedly when Ruby pressed her tongue down harder and pushed Weiss that much closer to a conclusion.  

Her desperation to reach that release made her hips thrust faster as she held Ruby’s head between her legs and ground herself against Ruby’s tongue.  She needed more, just a little more, just a few more passes of Ruby’s tongue over her before her head dropped into the covers, her back lifted off the bed, and one last moan filled the room.

Every nerve in her body sparked with pleasure in that moment, which rippled through her in waves before her senses began returning to her.  Her breathing was still deep and desperate, but her back returned to the bed, and she looked down right as Ruby grinned and wiped a hand across her mouth.

“So...that was amazing,” she said while sliding back up the bed, gently laying atop Weiss, and pressing a quick kiss to her lips.  

“Yes -”  Still trying to catch her breath and regain her senses, Weiss had to take another deep inhale before adding, “It was.”

“I can do that again, right?” 

With Ruby smiling down at her and gently brushing her hair behind her ear, Weiss’ heart swelled with love and adoration for the gorgeous, one-of-a-kind princess who meant more to her than anyone else in the world.

“Yes,” she breathed out with a smile of her own.  “Absolutely.”

When Ruby hummed and pressed another kiss to Weiss’ lips - this one lingering longer than the last - Weiss’ exhaustion faded away.  Left in its place was...desire, longing, hunger.  Not for herself, but for Ruby. 

“But first…” she murmured against Ruby’s lips while running her hands up Ruby’s back and quickly undoing the clasp of her bra.  As soon as the straps fell off of Ruby’s shoulders, she glanced down and felt another jolt of excitement race through her veins.

She’d already experienced more with Ruby than she ever thought possible, but it was just the beginning.  Having survived the threats to their relationship, they now had all the time in the world to try everything, to experience everything, and, most importantly, prove that - as unlikely as it might seem - their love would last.

But first...she would lavish Ruby with the love and devotion a princess like her deserved.


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