January Newsletter and Update (Patreon)
Howdy everyone. I’ll just be open and straightforward with everyone here up front:
I’m not exactly doing well. Various compounding external factors, as well as some internal issues have caused my mental health to significantly suffer once again. You may all remember me making a post about this sorta situation several months ago, and for a time I was getting better and feeling some improvement. But it’s shifted again for the worse. Not to share too much, but I’ve barely been able to get out of bed the past week or so, and had some pretty nasty thoughts. I’ve just made a phone call with a mental health clinic, and will begin seeing a psych doctor in addition to my frequent counseling sessions, with the hope that I can finally make true progress on everything again. I hate this, with a truly burning passion. At least as much as i can in this state. I don’t want to make excuses. I don’t want to cop out on responsibilities. It’s taking all my will power to write this message out right now, and I’m only able to do so because i feel such a responsibility for keeping you all in the know with what’s going on so it’s not just constant radio silence.
I don’t have much more to share at the moment, but I know that I’ll be reviewing my patreon tiers and rewards again this year, like I usually do. So you can keep an eye out for that as well. I know I’m going to continue working on the comic, and obviously I’ll finish all my commissions that I’ve taken on. (Bills have to be paid, as it were.) In the future, though, I don’t know what direction I’ll be taking. I just know that I need to get better. And I’m not there. And it might take some time. I understand if y’all need or want to adjust your support tiers or cancel or something. It’s been a few months since I’ve really been up to date with all my promised rewards, anyway.
That’s sorta all for now.. Thanks for all your support up to now, everyone. You mean the world to me, and I hope I can figure out what’s going on in my annoying brain and get it working like it used to once again. ♥️