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See I feel like I’m about to learn this isn’t normal but this happens to me all the time when I’m going through tons of documents at work.


Love this. So so much.


So Kevin has dyslexia?


When I was kid, our school was terrible at recognizing this in students. The kid was just labeled as a discipline problem or unteachable and tossed on the remedial garbage heap . I know two guys who diagnosed in high school and then their lives turned around so dramatically.

Brigid Keely

Same with autism & adhd. It's part of why I'm a huge proponent for screening kids (some parents get REALLY upset if you suggest their kid's autistic, like it's an insult). You can't get the support you need if you don't pinpoint the problem and potential supports. Maybe it's redirection, or calming sensory input, or medication, or redirection. There's a lot of options! But only if you know where to look. A whole lot of kids fall through gaping wide cracks.