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Yer pal Mikey

Take 'em where you can get 'em. Mom is unscrewing the cap on a GOOD bottle of wine tonight.


It’s awkward to read but grammatically correct.

Marcus Kaeso

This storyline has had its ups and downs, I'll admit you lost me for a bit with the cult fake-out kidnapping betrayal section. But overall this longform story has been one of my favorite parts of Crabgrass, Kevin's journey has been wonderful and it tugged on the heartstrings many times. It's great to see him as more than just the standard "bad kid with too much energy and undiagnosed ADD", seeing him happy to know WHY he struggles more than everyone else and ready to put in the work is awesome. It's nice to see you doing something different than most comic's daily joke, or maybe 1-2 week plots, and I can't wait to see what kind of stories you tell with this freedom. (I'd vote for a Summer Camp plotline :P)