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Welcome to the end of the most recent story arc! It's been a haul but when is it not, amiright? As per usual, we'll get a short break to enjoy some one-offs before launching into the next arc, which I can promise is gonna be a great one. Easily in the top 5 Crabgrass story arc of all time.



D. G.

The hall monitor should have a bigger role later.

Fredda G.

I love the story arcs. I especially loved this one and think it’s so cool that you addressed a stigma and given Kevin the gift of enjoying reading! I was wondering if that would change the whole school dynamic for him, and although it may academically, somehow I know he will still be fun loving Kevin. Anyway, wherever you take them, I’m loving it! Thank you for doing what you do and I think you earned some chocolate cake.

Amy S

I really enjoyed this arc. And maybe forgot about hall monitor kid, oops.

Texas Gent

Anyone else imagining Everybody Wants to Rule the World playing in the background of this epilouge?