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You gotta admire his optimism. 



Joe Weatherford

I never liked to share my homework answers either.

Tauhid Bondia

Same. My favorite was when the popular kids who ignored you all year rock up being all nice when they want to copy homework.

Juan Carrillo

😂oh man, he just expected help, that was great:)

Marcus Kaeso

Myles would have helped him study, maybe... I don't have as good a read on that as I expected.

Steve Galloway

Such a cool strip, liking the time jump, it’s got a real ‘Zits’ vibe but at the same time we have way more back story and love for these characters. Love the dropping of the colour background on the third panel and the shirt change in the fourth doesn’t let you eye get lazy that the frame is the same throughout. Awesome work Tauhid!

Tauhid Bondia

Yeah that short change is what we in the industry call a dumb mistake. My eyes stay lazy 🤣

Steve Galloway

Aww crap dude sorry thought it was intentional, I love the plain background got a a few comics that have a similar structure and had never considered dropping one background to make it aesthetically pleasing

Tauhid Bondia

Yeah that’s intentional. A lot of Kyle comics are just talking heads so I gotta switch up the background or panel format to keep the eye in the right direction.