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I absolutely feel this child's pain - it's beyond age, gender, or race! My head is tingling thinking about my late mom and her horrific comb...she actually had to resort to a dog brush at times!

Jeannie Bodney

Ooo. I remember my parental person combing and washing my hair as well. I am white. Nuff said about all of people. It hurt like hec, If you are of good spirit watch the Chris Rock documentary about hair. If you think that this is a black thing. On Oprah he called out all of the white ladies that dye their hair blond


Oh God, the memories flooding back.

Yer pal Mikey

Dad knew 1 haircut - crew - so it wasn't and issue when I was little. And now it's getting to be less and less of an issue every year...

Yer pal Mikey

Tauhid, I love the Watterson influence in your artwork on Crabgrass, it's just perfect here!

Sweet Bailey

I've always been curious how the pick is better than a comb for this purpose.