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Naruto Uzumaki

15:35 Why rimuru caked up like that? LOL

Prateek Sridhar

you're right, the progression in this anime made me realize from this episode how much of the story left there is and based on the pacing it could easily go for 10 or 12 seasons

Ahkenaton Furdge

slime goes so deep 😂 the world expands so much where it’s not even imaginable

white wolf

Yall have no idea what comes next and I do, and I’m getting so excited!!!! I’m ready for a certain trio to pop in and make it even more epic! Also there’s a mistranslation when Luminus says that they’ll enter diplomatic relations in a hundred years, in the novel it was “we’ll enter diplomatic relations for a hundred years” so fun fact

Daniel Meissner

I want to answer your questions about the future of the show without spoiling anything so I will just recap what we have already been introduced to in the anime: We know of at least four other groups that could be future enemies. There are the 'Five Great Elders' (the group lead by the grandpa and the little girl), there are Yuuki and the clowns, there is the Eastern Empire where the merchants come from, and now multiple times this season the possibility of the Angels attacking Tempest has been brought up. Not only that, but there are many major figures in the world that we have barely interacted with, like a few of the Demon Lords of Octagram. Leon, Deeno, Dagruel, and Guy have barely interacted with Rimuru and his nation. We know Demon Lords are not really allies of each other, they all just kinda do their own thing. So there are PLENTY of avenues that this story could take with future conflict. And we have already been introduced to many possible future enemies. As someone who has read the novels, I can assure there is lots to come! The anime is not even half way done adapting the story lol