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i think therefore i am. https://ronjaxn.com/ #positivethinking #positivemindset #thoughts



Me at 2am when I decide I'm gonna change my life for the 15th time this week

Michael DeArmas

Watching this video helped me catch myself before I started to procrastinate at work. Gonna get alot done today.


Really needed this, thank you!

Ron Jackson Jr

Do you control ur thoughts when it comes to anime. Because u guys do let it all out. Just curious fam?


Another thing that’s good to ask yourself: Will I accomplish anything thinking about this negative thing and how does this affect myself and the people around me?

dg co

One thing: You can't actually control your thoughts. They manifest independently. But we can recognize that we are spiraling and change the subject. One thing that helps is meditation. Meditation is just the practice of not being controlled by your thoughts. Theoretically, you just need to focus on your breath. But you will learn very quickly that your mind does not allow you to do that. It will always be interrupting that focus with stray thoughts. There's no way to turn that off. The only thing you can do is go back to focusing on your breath when you recognize that the thoughts have seized your focus. Similar to this are negative thoughts. Thoughts that actually cause us to suffer. These are not invited in by us, they barge in and without qualms. But we do not need to give those thoughts the attention they seek. Do not blame yourself from falling victim to those thoughts, as everyone does from time to time. But do not let them control your worldview and your sense of self worth. And if that is what's happening, stop and go to a mirror and speak self affirmations. You do deserve to be happy. You deserve kindness. You deserve to live. You deserve to have a good life. Don't let the cloud of negativity spiral endlessly in your mind. I hope everyone who reads this finds a nugget of wisdom that helps them enjoy life better. I love you all.

Dale Diaz

This relates a lot to something i discussed with my therapist. Framing conflict resolution in relationships and self reflection using "i feel" statements. A lot of people that even TRY to do this fail because we're so quick to skip to a thought that is generated from that emotion. example: "I feel like i'm not making any progress in life" no. no you don't. you can't FEEL that. you THINK you're not making any progress in life. You FEEL sad, or depressed, or angry, or jealous, or some concoction of all of those. Our brains are so good at processing input almost automatically that it can run away from us super fast. You need to take a step back and just evaluate your INPUT. Just live in that raw input and be aware of what you're feeling. So for example - right now I feel sad, disappointed, jealous, agitated. I am also comfortable, energized, etc. This is how communication can be hacked so hard in relationships. Scenario 1: "when you didn't empty the dishwasher after I filled and ran it, i feel like you don't respect me" Scenario 2: "When I came home and saw the diswasher wasn't empty, I got sad and irritated" Like, don't skip to your conclusion, because it puts your partner on the defensive. Let them know what you physically felt inside you as a result, and that sort of baits the olive branch. "oh no, I didn't know seeing the dishes still in the dishwasher would make you feel that way. That doesn't bother me so it wasn't a priority of mine. I can make more of a point of emptying it as soon as it's done running though" BOOM. SOLUTION vs trying to contend with the normatively loaded "she already thinks i don't give a shit about her". And framing emotions this way kind of hacks your own brain because it teaches you to not let those conclusions pop up before you've had a chance to figure out both sides, so the emotional impact on the first person is lessened over time as well


One thing: you can control your thoughts. Changing the subject, thinking of something else and reading especially is a great way to change your focus which in turn changes your thought process in the moment. Thoughts don't come from no where your thoughts are effected by the desires of your flesh controlling your fleshy desires and fasting is a great way to build up your spirit and add discipline which will help you control your mind and thought process


I was feeling pretty down at work for quite a while. Higher management and executives making the job more difficult than needed. I found myself in a swirl of resentment and burnout over and over. A while ago I watched one of your videos on Rock Lee and his motivations. I wrote down a few quotes from others after including "You choose the colors that fill your world." I reminded myself of little thoughts I had that would keep me down, and replaced them everywhere I went with a counterpart, I painted over them. My whiteboard when leaving my room, my office, sticky labels where I get my sunglasses and water bottle. It has given a great release to my everyday burdens, although still no where near completely.


Thanks Ron. I needed that. Sending you love & positivity. 🙏❤️😁


As weird as it may be, talking to myself helps me organize and regulate my thoughts. I'm talking full blown conversations with myself whenever I'm stressed or need to vent lol


Self help is good, as long as it doesn't turn into selfish help.


Focusing on your thoughts and evaluating their quality every now and then is good advice. But based on personal experience, the thing that has the most direct effect on the quality of thought are the state of the body and the lifestyle habits that contribute to it. You can't have strong thoughts if you are anemic or having low testosterone (if you're male). You can't have creativity and insight if you haven't trained the cardiovascular system to nourish your brain with more penetrating blood vessels. There's also the concept of leaky gut-leaky brain floating around these days. A toxic body leads to a debilitate mind. If these factors are not first addressed, there's no amount of journaling and meditation that will solve anything in the long run. My 2 cents.

Mark Stein

sometimes what I try to do is to tell myself the positive thought I want to have, like I try to convince myself of something through brute force, and it does happen, when your doing something that you hate, pretending you love that think gives you so much motivation, like our brain is just reacting to our thoughts it doesn't matter where they come.

Michelle Lam

i agree with this for sure. I do think however its somewhat the chicken or the egg debate. Does one get a bad diet, leading to leaky gut low t and a toxic body bc their poor mind allowed them to? or the other way around? I dont think think there is a correct answer btw bc i think everyone and every situation is different and ultimately it is all connected anyways.


Sure Ron. I just hope that you'd address both the chicken and the egg in your videos and give more holistic advice if you want to benefit more people.