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Thoughts on Live Drops?

  • I like live drops 369
  • I don't like live drops 172
  • 2024-08-07
  • —2024-08-08
  • 541 votes
{'title': 'Thoughts on Live Drops? ', 'choices': [{'text': 'I like live drops', 'votes': 369}, {'text': "I don't like live drops", 'votes': 172}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 8, 0, 40, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 7, 23, 40, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 541}


Live drops are like the YouTube premiers feature where the video is pre recorded but you can watch it live with sushi squad and live chat. There is also a countdown letting you know when it starts. There is a 2 hour minimum countdown which is the downside to this. If shows get uploaded early enough in the day is this something that you guys would like occasionally? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Edit: Reading some of these comments, maybe we hold off on live drops for now until it gets a little more polished. Seems a lot of you have problems with it lagging and freezing



I like the count downs just not the live format

Ron Jackson Jr

Drop Tokyo ghoul and I will really vote for live drops


Where’s the Tokyo ghoul drop that was supposed to be today?


I think it's great to at least know when it's about to drop personally. Work keeps me from being able to watch it but at least I know roughly the time it will be available.

victoria t

Earlier the drop the better! I’m EST (NYC)


They’re a good idea, I wonder if there’s an option to disable comments until the post goes live


Honestly not huge into live stuff and streaming personally. Would rather just see the video when it drops. Here for it regardless tho (:


I like being able to to interacts with the community on live chats


I'm indifferent about it. Either way it gets uploaded and I get my fix of anime.


Watching 2 posts back now, hoping for a triple in the next couple weeks. Guess I'm watching 3 hours of Naruto tonight

Nolan Young

Its great especially for long running shows like naruto and one piece

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

I don't like it because it keeps freezing when I try to watch it (I don't know why) :)


I voted for liking them - but I'm mostly indifferent. I like that it gives me a time during the day so I can prepare for it, but it wouldn't matter much to me whether we had them or not.


Neither here nor there. My major issue is that I'm 100% positive you will have people who spoil right away and there is no way to filter out those people in real time

Owethu Dlamini

earlier the drop the better fr




It's new and shiny, but I can see it getting old after while. Already not a fan of getting an additional notification for one drop.


I feel like it’s more easier to access comments without Live Drop but since the majority prefer Live Drops then I don’t mind either


It's great for letting people know when it's going to drop, the only issue for me personally is the video don't run properly, which is most likely a patreon issue.


I think they're great :D


I don't see the point tbh it's not like new people will join because of it like the YouTube one


I like live drops


Exactly, i saw some people spoil last time aswell


Live drops aren’t worth waiting 2 hours for in my opinion…


I like the idea but for me it lags too much and I end up having to pause the video every few minutes. Also it would be easier to have mods active at the same time it premieres, to avoid people commenting spoilers.

The CulturedGentleman

I love them! Im always busy so it gives me just enough time to get stuff out the way to watch. Saves me from always forgetting and having to catch up

Devin Trittin

I’m not sure if it’s just me but I can’t get mine to work on the phone


tbh i highly dislike them since id rather an immediate or sudden drop than having to wait for some arbitrary reason. i think someone else also mentioned this, but live drops tend to be laggy and glitchy, and it only cements my dislike for them. i usually just skip out on them entirely and wait for the video to fully drop

Ethan Flowers

glitchy and laggy, also cant fast forward

Kokoro Itami

I thought about this for certain episodes, maybe not every single one. Are you saying pre recorded as in your reaction is already done and you're watching it with us? If so, i'm here or there. But there is also the issue of chances of people spoiling.


Have you thought that this is not arbitrary rather estimated time of arrival for the upload? moreover, you can plan in advance, rather than waiting all day for the upload

Pedro Farinazzo

If you already have the video, why not make it avaiable already? Will you make any extra money by releasing it later or just make us frustraded by seeing the video there but not being able to watch it until hours later? Also, here in Brazil I would be able to watch it now, but in an hour and a half I won't cause it will be to late at night


I honestly love the idea to have every upload as a live drop since yall can just upload it in the morning and make it drop at noon or night, so it's easier to catch up with the timelines and useful to plan in advance


I like them if it isn't changing the time it would have dropped anyways

To To

If you pause to theorise like you always do and there is a chat live lol, you will get spoiled every time


Pros and Cons to it. I like that it has a set release time and a live feel to it. However it doesnt feel polished enough and always stays at the top of the reaction page for no reason. Honestly I would only use it for the big episodes for all the shows.


I know it's been mentioned but yeah, for some odd reason after it's been posted its laggy and I have to pause quite a few times to let it catch up, if it wasn't for that I think I could get behind it.


These should not be done until Patreon irons out the kinks. They cause the browser to lag, the videos lag, it's not fun. But the concept is dope

Sam F

They are cool but seems to be lagging for me on pc


Reading some of these comments, maybe we hold off on live drops for now until it gets a little more polished. Seems a lot of you have problems with it lagging and freezing


the reactions are pre recorded so no need to worry about spoilers


Similar to how I feel about YouTube Premieres- for special episodes and highly anticipated releases, it would be perfect. But when people start using them 24/7 for each upload, then it becomes overused in my opinion. It loses it special touch yknow?!

Jens Mertens

I think it's not really live. The video gets uploaded earlier, and gets released at X-time. It's the same with youtube premiere. It has a live chat for the viewers.


As long as I get an authentic reaction from the two of u I’m here for it. Y’all drop however u want just don’t change the authenticity


I like them, but I wouldn't be mad if we didn't have them. Whatever works for ya'll tbh.


I dislike them only because they don't appear in notifications as new releases for me. Had to manually scroll through your feed to find Kaiju when you did the live drop release.


It’s a not live stream lol. It’s still pre recorded, it’s just displayed to us in live format. So until it’s finished, we can’t fast forward. Similar to traditional cable TV.


Not a fan of drops. Don’t show on notifications for some reason.


Not a fan, that timer gives me anxiety...it feels like waiting for a new season.

Rimuru Tempest

There's no point other than looking fancy with a countdown. Other than that, the user experience is significantly worse, with many bugs, annoying small changes, and so on.

prince ramos

I don't like Because only 2 episode is drop 😁 just kidding. All good for me haha


Live drop for single episode shows are okay but for one piece or naruto where a video could be 1-2 hours long im not a fan of especially due to timezones


I like it, because it gets more predictable when you upload. Nice solution.


Because it takes hours for patreon to process the video regardless of what method they use.


I like them though I did not catch them live, but the comments section is atrocious. No notification when someone replies to your comment, and the likes/emojis reactions are a mess. My guess is that Patreon is toying with it for now, and that it might get more polished later on ? Hopefully so.


A count down is fancy to you ? Seems like you miss understand the meaning of a live drop but as far as experiencing it goes it's your experience so not gonna try and invalidate that just wonder if everyone feels or experienced the same as certain issues can change from person to person

g c

I would like them but it gets uploaded for me around 03:00 AM so I barely get to see it. I am only awake at that time to go to work so if it could be uploaded earlier would be the best.


They don't try to actually form any reason for it they just want to tell you they dislike it


It’s pretty cool, it’s like a show on cable I never noticed this was a YouTube feature too

Rimuru Tempest

I didn't say anything about it being mightly fancy, just meant that the countdown was cool the first time.


It’s going to be uploaded at the exact same time whether it’s live drop or not, live drop is just allowing you to know ahead of time when it will be available


Only issue with me is i can't comment on them which sucks but like Ron said the new feature is updating. Seems other ppl having issues with it too


Idk if you guys will see this but it seems a lot of people that are saying they dislike the live drops are under the impression that they’re having to wait longer because they see a timer. To my understanding the live drop is just giving us a heads up that the video will be available soon which can only be a good thing. But if it is glitchy or slow then it might be good to just regular upload


Live drop doesn't allow us to skip or move around and we have to wait an extra 50+ minutes for the full live drop to end in order to see the episode. Not a fan, just like youtube live drops.


Please guys you can't fast forward on the live drop videos. So can we vote for the option that enables freedom for all of us?

Valeriu Irimia

I don't think i used the feature as intended since i watch the episodes whenever i feel like it, but i like the notification which makes it very clear is gonna be up in X. I know that you re quite consistent with the uploads but the certitude of "i can watch this in 30 min if i'd like" just make me feel better lmao. Not sure how much of a pro or cons is.


I don’t really fw it but it’s aiite ig I’ll watch after the live end


Honestly doesn’t matter to me since either way I’m gonna watch them later than they’re posted, so…. Whatever works best for you guys


Don't like, sorry. I will watch after live. If you two consider streaming I would watch that instead.


To reply to ur question Ron, Naruto would absolutely destroy pain in this mode zero diffculty


To me, who watched the video after the live, it was very laggy.


I thought that the video freezing and lagging was because of my internet connection ! So it was the Live Drop feature, then.

Damien Lee

I think the only difference between live and regular drops is the live chat, which doesn't matter at all. In fact, there are more downsides, with flaming, arguing, bots, etc

Entertainment Factory

I like live drops. But the issue is the time difference. I live in the southern part of India. It’s around 1:30 am for me. If it is in the weekend, I can join but it’s in the weekdays. I will try to watch at least once if possible.


I prefer to see the upload video, that is with 0 spoilers for you. Sometimes when is LIVE, the chat give spoilers unnecessary. At least for Naruto, I don't recommend it


Update, I can comment on iPad on the lives but not on my phone, so I can comment now. Thanks Ron