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Lets goooo

Parmvir Dhugha

When you stay up late just to watch the weekly dose of One Piece reactions from yours truly.


The one piece card game is getting more and more popular. I might just tune in lol


yipee op time


The next arc can be very slow and boring. You guys may lose interest in this show, but water 7 arc is one of the top of the show !


Going to be fun Tuesdays with akame ga kill and one piece 🔥

Hector Tavares

A huge filler followed by a slow arc will definitely slow things down a lot, but patience—Water 7 will make it all worth it!

Hector Tavares

Ron, just be careful not to get spoiled through the card games!

Hector Tavares

The fillers only end at episode 206. Would it be too much to hope for a triple drop to finish them off ? :D


That whole conversation about fixing the Merry and searching for a shipwright to join the crew is all canon btw, in chapter 303 of the manga. It's a small but pretty important scene that many people miss because it's included here rather than the next canon arc.


This filler arc ends at 206 so you should watch the next 3 together so then you start again on full Canon episodes. Also this episode always makes me so excited for what is to come in the next BIG arc


Also please watch the next small arc through One Pace as when they animated this they really ruined the pacing and added in fillers. Absolutely love One Piece and it is my favourite anime but the next small arc can even be a struggle for me (an avid One Piece fan who has watched the show multiple times) to get through


Yeah for me Water 7 is number 2, that shit make me realize what peak actually means.


Yeah they should do that and then watch normal one piece when water 7 starts.


Yeah absolutely go back to the normal anime after the LRLL arc


What are you talking about 😭😭 im talking based on everything they already saw until now

The CulturedGentleman

I agree. I want them to see *that part* of LRLL with the VA's having fun, but its really too drawn out fr. Coming from someone that REVERES this as my all time favorite anime

YanuE X

dont get spoiled on ships and cards


Keep your expectations incredibly low cus this next arc is pretty trash imo… BUT AFTER THAT IS PEAK


eh its not that bad if yall keep saying that put em in a negative mindset anyways


Seeing Nami so down bad for gold she replaces Luffy as the idiot in the crew putting everyone in danger lol

Idris A

Need yall to react to the new opening in ep 207 🫡


Shipwright and repairing the Merry lets gooooo!!!


i almost chocked on my vatter when you said that thing with the tournament against children. Hilarious :D


I'm sure this episode made you appreciate the mary even more huh? ❤️


I play One piece card game and I also go to tournaments, it’s super dope and something you both should give a try a try. A super simple game to get in too but does take some strategy and wit to win which I love plus the culture is super welcoming & helpful to new players everywhere I’ve been.


aside from funny/bonding moments with the crew i dont see what people like about this filler arc


Lots of people hating on the next Arc. I disagree sure its a little slower than some arcs but it does a lot for the story imo. Just wanna say go into it with an open mind because you may enjoy it despite these Debby downers!


Meh it's funny and chill, even if a little "slow"(lol) But lose interest in the show is crazyyy


cool man we already got a lot of comments like this in all of the episodes


Comments who keep saying they don't like it guess what you can just not watch we get it its been in every episode since they started g8.


Actually when I watched those episodes in the past I thought if I should stop watching this show lol But then I watched Manga, and Manga was actually quite fun. It's just that the animation pacing is so slow ngl and I'm watching all the latest episodes. I'm so glad I kept watching this show best show ever for me

Galaxy Nemesis

People can say whatever they like as long as they are being respectful, they are also paying. Grow up.

Galaxy Nemesis

Thats why they should have skipped G8… its gonna be a rough few months for them. Luckily Water 7 is after but they will have to work for it, i hope they don’t lose interest…


You seen the episode title! You’ll need to get your mods to tell you what ones to definitely avoid in the upcoming seasons. 😅

Gene B

Man. Out of context Ron go crazy lol


Episode 203, the meeting the Strawhats had on the ship and their conversation is canon btw.


A stick in the mud: Mud being an unideal situation, stick being stuck in it AKA stubborn. Someone being stubborn at a bad time I guess


You should definitely watch the one pace version of the next mini arc specifically

Travis McKinlay

Don't worry, they will definitely show you who repaired Merry, you'll NEVER see it coming and it will definitely make a lasting impact.

Michael H

I’m a One Piece fanboy, and I gotta disagree hard. Besides for the last two episodes (which people are definitely not including when talking about the arc), it does nothing at all for the story. It is 18 episodes of basically nothing but comedy and annoyance. In my opinion, they should just spend a day reading the seventeen manga chapters (yes, there are actually less chapters than episodes for this arc lol), rather than 5 weeks watching it. Edit: After double checking, I was wrong about the arc length. It’s only 13 episodes (there are true fillers near the end), which is much more palatable at least.

David Barron

Homie's been asking for a musician since the beginning of the series 😭💀

marty s

you never know if oda’ll connect it to the future someway somehow 🤷🏼‍♂️ i think anyone skipping the arc is doing a huge disservice

marty s

literally, thats what happened with another reactor i watch, all the comments were trashing the arc and he went ahead and skipped it completely

marty s

please don’t skip the next arc


Ron should play a Enel deck 🔥


did you know there's a one shot spinoff manga where Sanji and Soma from Food Wars battled


haven't seen those. This isn't a criticism I'm just genuinely surprised because I skipped this and people praised it but it doesn't seem good at all

Michael H

@marty s I agree. Reading the manga chapters is probably out of the question since this is a reaction channel, but One Pace apparently cuts almost 3 hours of filler from the arc. I haven’t seen it personally, but that’s what I’d probably recommend. Get the info, get the gags and moments between the crew, but save yourself the pain. Or they just treat it as a rite of passage and muscle through it like we all did lol. Not a huge deal either way.

Joshua Bonifaz

Lock Ron up bro lmao Straight to jail

NightingGale 496

Hey guys, can we please🙏 get a triple drop for the next 3 episodes? If we do that then next week we can get back into canon

Tyrell Rose

It's my first time watching the filler, and I still don't understand why we are watching it. I really hope the next drop will include the last 3 episodes together, and please consider switching to One Pace for the next mini arc. 😔


Would some of y’all stop telling them that’s certain arcs are “trash and to skip them 🤌🏾 I want them to get to it he next cannon arc as well, I think more a episodes per upload or a third day of OP would move things along more quickly!


i purposely did not watch op reaction for a long time so I can binge it and im already at 175 i stopped around 110 man I dont want to wait weekly xD


cause some fillers are loved by fans I mean if they skip it they wont react to it ever but the episodes that are cannon will be watched anyway, they will probably not watch every filler but those that are recommended

Tyrell Rose

I get that, but imo it's not worth it considering the pacing that we all know. The mini-arc before Water Seven, even Enies Lobby has some episodes with a slow rhythm. One Piece has 1000+ episodes. I think this filler could've been skipped, and it's my opinion, but I don't feel like they tell themselves, "thankfully we didn’t skip this." I find it mid personally, but I get that I'm not alone and in the end, good for those who wanted to watch it again.

Parmvir Dhugha

Broooo. You get much more appreciation for this arc when you rewatch it.

Thijs MacInnis

Regarding the card game Ron, game is crazy fun just be aware of spoilers as the cards are made for the most up to date moments and characters to all the moments that have already happened! Curious what deck you will play!