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esdeath really is best girl

Yoshi Nate

yeah she is the best, I know she isn't good but as a woman she's perfect lmao. I'm with Ron when it comes to her

Ron Jackson Jr

Ye but damn whenever Michelle says something it says the same thing in the anime that's crazy she can read the future.

Jordan Crawford

mine and rons face was the exact same when them tig ol bitties jiggled


Lmao this lowkey a dedicated episode for Tatsumi & Esdeath. I want them together too Ron lmao. She's the enemy and crazy af but can't help but love her lol. It was nice seeing her backstory to see how it made her who she is

Ron Jackson Jr

shes taller than Tatsumi same height as u Ron . he got game i gotta step it up


Fck i might got a kink bc of this episode🫢

Jay Mack

I don’t normally read fanfics but the only one I read and liked is one called bent but not broken. It’s a story with them actually together you might like it if you got the time to read it lol. It’s good but read it after the anime of course

The CulturedGentleman

Im starting to get really conserned in Michelle's choices of husbandos lmao

The CulturedGentleman

When Esdeath said "Im the Dominator" i think she dominated more than just her power there lmao Dont worry Ron, were all her slaves buddy :))


Welcome to the Esdeath Club RON! It's been around for 10 years now, the only slave master we approve :D