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So long hair Buddy has been shown in prior episodes, like way way back, I think during the witch forest arc, he was shown walking on a balcony to above everyone. I think he's briefly shown even earlier in the manga.

victoria t

Henry!!!!!!!!!! Love this ep


We‘re entering peak Black Clover yesss


He was shown in vanessa’s flashback at episode 64.


Am I tripping ? Where’s the “Astaaaa!!!!!” Yell

Prateek Sridhar

All the other magic stones they retrieved, they were instructed to retrieve them by the wizard king. I don't think they knew the pink one that was in Asta's room was a magic stone, for all they knew it was just some cool looking stone that the bird (Nero) picked up :p

Prateek Sridhar

Omg yea! They did another early reveal that you won't notice on first watchthrough, like with Grey's true character reveal xD


Not sure if I remember this correctly but I think the magic stone was found by Nero (the bird) in Saussy village. At that time neither Asta nor the others knew about the magic stones. I kind of interpreted that it must have slipped their mind that Nero has it as the stones have been properly introduced later on. It also could be that no one knew that it is a magic stone. Remember, the queen of witches was wearing one and no one identified that one isolated earring till she pointed it out. Also Yuno’s pendant isn’t acknowledged as a stone by anyone else (at least not that I’m aware of?). So maybe they just look like pretty stones to everyone ? Just throwing some thoughts into the room.

Brandon Tyson

You guys should Definitely Double Drop for 92 and 93!


Yeah!! We finally meet Henry!!! That's another Black Bull member after Zora! Nero the bird picked up the purple stone. Also, Michelle missed I think 4 weeks of "ASTAAAA!!!!!". >.<


Yami really put together the best squad, best captain


If I'm not mistaken, they weren't even looking for that stone at all, or even knew what it was. Nero just happened to go retrieve it when they went on that mission to Saussy Village to hunt boars and they ended up running into the Eye Of The Midnight Sun for the first time. Edit: Guess I should've refreshed before commented but yea.


We have officially entered PEAK ANIME starting next episode, and we finally get their reaction to some of the greatest episodes in 92&93 with the double drop


We getting into it 😋I'm so here for it


Still feening for star wars 🫤

The CulturedGentleman

Im dying to hear Rades say "JIMMYYY" one more time!! Lmfao!!

The CulturedGentleman

I cant wait to see their Jaws on the floor before the end of this arc

adan blas

No one knew about the stone, the bird took it.

Katrina Dy

Issa bird idk what else to say

Bryan Raygoza

DOUBLE DROP 92-93!!!!!!!!

Kuro Uchiha

No one knew about the stone


I quote "BIG OL STICKY SALAMANDER" at least monthly it's such a funny name to shout

THanaaa Krit

Episode 91 is gonna be🔥


It was nice to see the 3 members who rarely get to shine in action and hello Henry.


I love this outro~~ can't wait for them to see/hear it 😍