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Table kun 😱😭😭


I’m just saying, Nina could’ve chosen the bathroom but naww, she thought, ‘Why not just go at it at the table, lights off, like this is perfectly fine?’ Honestly, I was so blindsided by that scene. At first, I didn’t even understand what was happening, but then she pulled her skirt down, and the Euphy picture tied it all together. Absolutely unhinged behavior. Code Geass really said, ‘Let’s just go there.’ 😅


hahaha they didn't catch Table kun


noooooo they didn't catch table kun??


Rip table kun


Are we supposed to assume Suzuka just doesn’t know how many civilians have been slaughtered by his coworkers? Him:“What are Zero and the black knights doing?” Or should we assume that he in fact does know and is doing whatever it is that he’s doing, ‘from the inside’ anyway?

Simic Trucido

I watched this show two times already and I never noticed or remember that scene until now...


That dark scene with nina that confused yall was what the fandom refers to as table-kun. Nina was basically getting off on the table. So random yea… lol


I think of it as Suzaku disagreeing with Zero's methods based on the fact he's creating violent conflict that leads to unnecessary/avoidable deaths. Suzaku's "from the inside" approach while still probably resulting in conflict of some sort won't, in his mind, be violent and lead to the loss of life he sees from the Black Knights methods for change.


Nina was pleasuring herself to a picture of Euphy in the dark scene there.


Waiting weeks on that Table-Kun reaction and they didnt even pick up on it XD its okay though. I dont blame them. It's odd af.


I watched Code Geass for the first time when I was 10 when it was airing. I'm From Finland so my english wasn't that good at 10 so my brother was there to kinda guide me with the subtitles if there was something I didn't understand. When the Nina and table scene happened I was just as confused as you guys so I asked my brother what's happening and he was like "ummm she is uhhh.. so obsessed with Euphy she got some weird seizure" lmao Also, Lelouch pulled a pretty morally questinable action. He killed (accidentally) Shirley's dad as he was collateral civil casualty from the landslide move he pulled in Narita and then exploits her vulnerability by going in for the kiss. People compare his manipulation with Light, but and it's true they have overlap in many ways but one huge differrence in my opinion: Light was an absolute sociopath who was prepared to kill his sister to not get caught, but he was brilliant at putting on a facade of being a regular teenager who cared about others. Lelouch has shown being the opposite. He does everything for Nunnally and she is the most important driver for him and he does feel empathy, but contrary to Light, he puts up a facade of a cold blooded killer. In the second episode, after he killed Clovis he was in the bathroom throwing up because he realized he actually killed Clovis


Shirley definitely kissed him and lelouch to not make matters worse just decided not to dodge her. Michelle is right she forced herself on him because of her trauma after losing her dad


Fishing with dynamite is CRAAAZY LOL

Mo za

Nina was startled when president told Shirley that's what "I love" about you


No~~~ Table-kun~~


shirley is the one who went for the kiss and lelouch accepted it


the britannians are the ones causing the unnecessary deaths tho so suzaku is still wrong


hahahha! i didnt even get that from 1st watch too


nah. in that situation was just fked up, all kinds of emotion too. Lulu wasnt manipulating


Actually Britania is the USA on the map so their Americans


You guys pick up on A LOT with this anime tbh. The table thing is hard to spot cause it really do be dark

Letan Vinso

Strangely enough, soundtrack is original here. What's up with the source having a mix of original and modified soundtrack episodes.