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Ron Jackson Jr

Stopping kids from saying first 👿


It’s Asta’s first time processing that info because it’s his first time learning of it. Nobody really knows that the Wizard King is dead besides Yami and Patry/Vangeance. Maybe Marx and Owen too but they were taken over by elves.


Idk, Ron, sounds like ADHD to me. 🤷🏾‍♀️ signed, somebody with ADHD 😆 The bird talked! So I need the next two episodes right now! 😂😭🙋🏾‍♀️


Bro a broncos fan? God bless you bro lol.. having to deal w Mahomes even though yall almost beat them twice and play them the best in the division must be rough. I’m a jets fan I can’t talk… but this episode was fire lol. Next one even better


Nero!!! Next couple episodes gonna go crazy


My stomach hurts from laughing too much right at the start of this video! 🤣 What Michele said, 'You might actually qualify for some support from the government.' and 'You call it selective..like it's a handicap.' 🤣🤣🤣 And Nero!!! LET'S GOOOO!!!😆

Gene B

Ron is just like Goku lol

William Tippen

Forgiving murderers is crazy


This is like the 5th time I’ve seen that Nero moment and I only just realized Finral is about to kick off a Petite Clover in his dream 😂😂😭


I'm a Lions fan =( lol but yeah Asta had no idea the Wizard King was killed until he saw Patry's memories of it when he got sucked into his soul or whatever

Swat Sid

At the end when you said you were going to go have lunch and come back reacting, I understand more this is a job rather than just watching stuff and reacting. Personally, even if it is something I enjoy, when it becomes a chore, I won't like doing it as much. Hope you both are not pushing yourselves too much :P


that bird is one of my least favorite characters


The editor is cooking🤣