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Seems like storylines may come together soon... Also very curious about the fire lord!



if you want something like an energy boost, not quite for pre-workout, but in general, that doesn't give you that kind of a feeling after, i recommend g-fuel. normal energy drinks also gives that numbness after a while. g-fuel gives a boost but you still feel good after. And if you try it, mix it with milk, not water. best taste


Aang saying ‘I’m ready’ here always gives me the chills! What stood out the most was Avatar Roku throws the flames back at the fire nation yet melts the chains on Shyu, Zuko, Katara and Sokka allowing them to escape!

Dalton Tupen

Roku helping Aang at the end of Ep.8 is one of my favorite scenes from Season 1, can't wait to see yall continue this series, it is one of my favoite shows of all time and inspired my first tattoo!


lettsss goooo 🔥🔥🔥

Ahkenaton Furdge

Ron used to the high stakes in demon slayer

Sandy Gamboa

Michelle, when Iroh sees spirit Aang and the Dragon, stop and think about what that must mean, he obviously sees it so the question is how right? I'm not gonna say more in case of spoilers cause they do dive deeper into spirit world stuff in the future. Either way it must take someone who is very spiritually connected to be able to see something that's in the spirit world that no one else can see, and what does that tell you about Iroh? Its little things like this that makes me love this show so much!

Sandy Gamboa

But I didn't give any specifics did I? Plus I know Michelle has seen the show before and she reads the comments before she lets Ron read them as stated in previous videos and I specifically addressed this to her. So take a deep breath, if Michelle or the mods decide my judgement on what is a spoiler is incorrect they will fix it or ask me to fix it themselves 🫶🫰

DB Cooper

specific counter advice that applies to some people, and not to others. Consuming dairy right before intensive workout Can result in tummy issues due to your body doing a shitty job digesting the sugar and carbs in the milk, no pun intended. this applies to people who aren't lactose intolerant aswell, its just random. your body will just de-prioritize the energy effort of digesting and will produce less lactic acid which you need to break down some stuff in milk. furthermore i condone G fuel and milk, they mix well with some flavours o7


Ron maybe try a little less pre workout next time? U will probably crash less nex time and then work ur way up to the "full dose". My buddy did it like that and it worked for him. Also dont take it every time, it can be a quite addicting bc of the caffeine and sugar

NoLimit Cam

Whats the ending song called?




Justin, Sandy didn't spoil anything and only said the obvious. xD

Alante Quarles

Your explanation of protagonists vs Antagonists is why you will love HxH Chimera Ant Arc


You gave tons of specifics. Not spoilers, but definitely specifics.


Gfuel is awful. Tastes awful. Crashes worse than energy drinks. Theres literally nothing good about it besides price.


@DB Cooper, milk is definitely better for after a workout rather than before, at least for me personally. Before a workout, it makes me wanna throw up, but after a workout it feels like all the fats and sugars my body needs and is heaven on earth. Definitely an after drink for me.


Thats funny that she is LITERALLY biting her tongue trying to not spoil you. During the talk about Zuko and Ozai, she is literally biting her tongue lmao