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Avatar is getting really good! Super excited for more peak!


DB Cooper



11:01, Come on Michelle, it's a kids show 🤣🤣🤣

Leo Mikael

I love Ron bro this man thinking of ideas like on 9:00 was hilarious.


there is no war in Ba Sing Se


Actually that idea would probably work. Most firenation tanks and stuff are built for insane terrain (like the ones that climbed ropes up the mountain and could flip over) however this doesnt look very mobile.


yall could react to movies like get out nd shi too


I thought it was a good idea.

Mr. Man In Black

Happy Gilmore bro, nice try! “I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!” “You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?” “N-n-n-NO!”


Sokka is an idiot but he's not dumb lol he is the leader of team avatar


Am i the only one who gets Billie Eilish vibes from Toph 😅

Adam Khan

if toph made a hole and the drill went down it would've drilled to the earths core killing us all!!! 😲😲 *probably not*

Jean-Paul Karam

I like the drill idea. Very smart. Also nice kuroko reactions. Love the energy


About Toph making the big hole for the drill to fall into.. Yeah, it’s just too big a feat. It’s like if I saw you bench 225 and then was like “why don’t you just go pick up a two ton boulder and crush our enemies.” lol bending of a particular element doesn’t give you almighty unlimited power over that element. It’s actually very limited.

Nero Luv

Ty Lee is basically Neji or Hinata. Super Taijutsu that blocks your chi and hurts from inside. Just missing a byakugan

Duncan Bertetti

There is no war in Ba Sing Se.