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We know you guys like the discussions, so hopefully you enjoy this one! We are loving 86 :)



OG crow here, love you guys <3

Nate Banker

Amazarashi is the goat as always


Love the theories, can't really say anything at this point without spoiling, so enjoy cour 2

Thomas Juino (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-02-28 03:03:40 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!
2024-01-23 02:55:10 You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!

You are cooking so hard one 86 OMG, you're on something, good luck !!


Ron might be going crazy with the voices. Soon he'll be like "WAIT I know that crow sound. It sounds like the crow from Itachi!"


love this


I knew you guys would be confused, but you guys were cooking. Try keep open mind and you have fully forgotten names of places and got them confused =). This is a huge change from what you were getting used to.


Reminders; Republic of San Magnolia : Country where Lena and the 86 are from. Made of 85 districts inside the Gran Mur, a defensive wall. The unofficial 86th district is everything outside of the wall. According to San Magnolia - Empire of Giad is the creator of the Legion, started the war and they were wiped out by the Legion during the war. Our party of 86 are around 17yo give or take. Great reaction as always, you now know why I bench watched the entire series after your EP1 reaction.


This show is top for me. I read the whole light novels as well

원 지 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-02-28 03:03:40 good catch
2024-01-23 03:42:13 good catch

good catch

Jake Thompson

With the red stripe in her hair and black uniform, Lena is representing all 5 colors of the San Magnolia flag, doubling down on her resolve to follow those ideals. I love the steady crumbling of the fountain since season 1, the cracks and litter building up to mirror San Magnolia slowly losing the war against the Legion. Cyclops got her callsign from having two different colored eyes. The scene with Shin and his brother was symbolic but also real, he carried Shin and the rest to the Giad border where they were picked up. His destroyed mech is shown right after Shin wakes up when Ernst is walking down the hallway with his advisors.

Diego Rodrigo Duque Soto

I swear Michelle has the sharpest eyes, nothing gets past you two! That outro still gives me goosebumps


I really love the music in this part of series


Nice catch Michelle! Interesting theories you both have. And that's the new intro song you just heard~ ^^

kyle williams12

Go back to the picture the little girl was drawing you missed something or if a mod sees this let them no so they could bring it up next episode if they have not recorded It yet

Vaer Lebox

Yes, there was a time skip Here. Basically this Episode is season 1 PART 2 ep1. Its Like 2 seasons but since it basically Just follows after a short time skip, its Made as one. About the Lena cyclops confusion, Just to Clear the Things that have been Said. Lena got demoted (as Said in the ep) which Made her be handler of a less important unit now. Thats where cyclops is. Spearhead, as Ron Said is the Name of the specific unit and doesnt represent any individual or definitive people. Also, its very fun to See you two theorize and get hyped over it again and again :) lets See where your theories Go. Its definitly gonna be super super fun aswell from now in 86, Just an incredible masterpiece


Uchiha Michelle hahaha


After the Shin's Spearhead went out of reach, into the unkown zones, there's no actual Spearhead right now, until they decided on who to promote to Spearhead. So there being no Spearhead, Lena changed the unit she's handling. Or it's about the demotion. Someone wrote, that Lena became handler to another unit, because she got demoted.


The last mission of the Spearhead unit led by Shin is something that all Spearhead units have done before them, so their replacement was made immediately afterwards, since their disappearance was foreseen. basically yeah there IS a Spearhead unit currently. It's just that as you said Lena has been demoted and assign to an other unit.


I know about the Special Recon mission, yeah. But i don't think if it was ever stated if they promoted another squad into Spearhead immediately or smth. That's why i guessed it could be like that (aswell Cyclops saying they might become Spearhead soon). But i see you're also confirming the other theory, so it must be a fact i guess.


Yeah it wasn't very explicit so easy to miss but we can see them when Lena visit the camp

Thomas Juino (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-02-28 03:03:40 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)
2024-01-23 17:37:13 what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)

what were you talking about ?? i didn't see anything strange with her drawing please tell me what you saw ;)

Joise Cepeda

The outro is actually the intro for the new season! It’s my favorite opening of all time (joise)

Gorge Montoya

The only interesting thing to note is everything the Republic of San Magnolia told us the viewer is TECHNICALLY correct. Can’t fault you for mistrusting information from them since for them to be correct they changed the meanings of something’s so it’s true, ie: 86 are not human, no human casualties, Legion will stop working in 2 years. One of the things they mentioned early in was the Legion attacked ALL of the enemies of their creators, the Empire of Giald (as you know now, the Federation of Giald). That’s what we know as of right now.


Season 2 has a lot more symbolism and parallelism which enhances the story-telling. Some might say the season 2's pace gets slower but I do not think so. Nevertheless, this show is great on all fonts <3

Healthy Truth

This is unlike any other anime, it excels in show and dont tell. So deduction skills on par with L Lawliet (from deathnote) is recommended. When we all first watched we ALL failed miserably, as no other anime has that take on the shows. Attention to times, travel direction, signage of areas, expressions, backstory hints. Watch the ctrlalt 86 part 1, 2 and 3 when finished. After you do that, then rewatch the show and then you will see why we all LOVE this masterpiece. All the way from New Zealand !! No spoilers will ever come from me btw

Healthy Truth

Youve seen ctrlalt havent you lol please encourage them to watch it aswell after they complete season 2. Should really let them feel the experience of watching ctrlalt like us all. Instead of taking the glory for his work and feeling like we are the brains that discovered it haha

Healthy Truth

He went frame by frame, anime only to get all those answers. His content provided will always be acknowledged and I will never deny the respect for his efforts. I just believe credit is due where it belongs. No hate at all, just saying my truth, we all stand on our own principles.

Jake Thompson

If you're referencing the video detailing the hidden references and stuff from 86, I hate to break it to you but there was very few details he covered that I didn't already recognize. In fact, pretty sure I left a comment a long time ago with some things he missed. I've seen 86 several times, rewatching episodes often between the long delays.


WOW. I know they're watching this immediately after the last episode, but I'm SUPER impressed michelle made the connection about frederica....great eyes! it was only a couple frames too! theories are really well thought out for the most part too

Eric C

I watched two times and finally realized that it’s his bother who saved shin