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Curious to how this ties back into Lena and her story!



Ah the slice of life epsiode, peace was fun while it lasted. At the end Frederica was trying to take responsibility for her family sending the legion not that she sent them herself


Shin and frederica are descendants of the Uchiha Clan


Clarification: it was the "Empire" of Giad that created the Legion and ordered it to attack other countries, then the people of the empire rebeled against the royal family and ended turning the Empire into the "Federacy" that they are today. But by this time, the Legion had already gone rogue and is basically attacking everyone. The war is basically against the Legion. You can re-watch the previous episode for this clarification, it happens when Ernst introduces himself to Shin :)

Jake Thompson

Long live the Fredericacy The Skull Knight is the book Shin's brother was reading him in the flashbacks. Alba are in Giad, though because they're more integrated there's less focus on it. 13:35 when Theo asks Anju about her future, a couple in the background walking by have the same hair color as her and Daiya.


Here's a simplified timeline; Empire of Giad - Create Legion Empire of Giad - Goes to war with the rest of the continent (Not only the Republic, according to this episode and Frederica words) Empire of Giad - A revolution happens and the royal family loses to the rebels Federation of Giad is founded - This is most likely the event that made the Republic believe that the Legion went rogue and eradicated the Empire of Giad Since the Federation foundation, they have been fighting the Legion that went Rogue. The Federation isn't technically the Empire and so they are also the enemy of the Legion. As for Frederica, she is simply taking responsibility for the Legion. She is the last member of the Royal family, making her the last Empress. In her own words "I am one of those" meaning she is part of the same family that did all those things. As for our group of 86. The words that struck me the most was when Shin said "We can't pretend to be at peace when we're not." I believe they are going back to the battlefield because they don't want to act like the Alba's from the Republic. Staying safe in the city while they are at war. I wish I was more concise but that's the best I can do lol. Love the reaction !


Frederica is the last remaining royal, which makes her the last empress, because all other was killed during the rebellion or died because of internal wars or other reasons. Nonetheless I don't think she was the one who ordered the legion directly, since she was too young to do so, at that time she also might be controlled by some ministers etc. like a puppet governer, But since she is the last royal right now, she feels very responsible for what happened in the past, so she tried to take all the hate and blame by saying that she was the one (=the royal family and the empire) who ordered the legions attack. Maybe she can't forgive herself for letting it happen, which is why she wants to be condemned for not taking the responsibility. It's like the same with what happened with our group here, because they also can't live happily as if everything ended although it hasn't ended yet. Frederica is a very interesting character, because she can see into a person past and present (only those that she really interacts with), which makes her very aware of certain things. Also the gap between her spoiled childishness and her mature self is: on one side she feels the weight of being the last royal, feeling responsible and understanding the situation right now, and on the other side she is just a small child who is experiencing her first times on many interactions and situations. Maybe she wasn't even allowed to step out of the palace during her reign.

Sikk Karuzo

When Anju and Theo talk about there future (13:33) u can see a couple in the background which just look like Anju and Daiya :( Frederica didnt send the Legion by herself she was just part of the family and very young, As michelle already said, she wanted to take the responsibility for her family . Because of that Raiden asked her how old the was 10 years ago. She was just a Baby or a toddler when Giad started the war.


the legion pretty much are like terminators/skynet in this world it seems haha